It Could Actually Happen: A TV Show with Cruel Intentions


In 1999, Selma Blair and SMG had a huge onscreen kiss. It won the MTV Movie Awards 2000 Best Kiss Award, with the friends recreating the kiss live on stage.

It’s not in the script. The famous string of spit that follows the lesson in kissing.

“I forget who, but someone said, ‘We need to go again, there’s saliva connecting them.’ And [cinematographer] Theo [van de Sande] was like, ‘No, it’s beautiful.’ And I was like, ‘No, it’s hot. I mean, we’ll go again, but I think it’s cool,'” Kumble Cosmo was recalled. “So it was a happy accident. And it’s kind of been remembered for that.”

Gellar said that when it came time to film it, it was the best thing they could do. “Selma was afraid she would suck at kissing me. But she didn’t!”

Blair, who was actually playing the 15-year old freshman Cecile, admitted to initially feeling nervous. But Gellar also felt it. “Besides kissing my sister years ago in a game of truth or dare, I had never kissed a girl up to the point where I had to kiss Sarah. We shot our kissing scene on the last day of filming. And, it actually felt great. On our way from LA to NYC to film the scene in Central Park, I said to Sarah, ‘Tomorrow we get to make out!’ She was like, ‘Shhhh. Don’t speak.'”

Gellar’s kiss in Central Park, with hundreds of extras and photographer, made tabloid headlines the week after. “[We] saw headlines that said something like, ‘Sarah spends a day in Central Park with a friend,'” Blair Keep this in mind. “I guess they all had their telescopic lenses ready that day.”


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