Is Josh Duggar going to attend another Hearing soon ?


New details about Josh Duggar’s latest scandal have gone public. He’s getting another hearing before his trial. When will it happen? And what’s the hearing for anyway?

Is Josh Duggar going to attend another Hearing soon ?

Josh Duggar’s latest scandal

For those who don’t know, the former TLC star was arrested in April for the possession of child pornography. He was released on conditions, which state he’s supposed to stay with a guardian and is not allowed around children other than his own with his wife Anna’s supervision. There are other rules he must follow, such as wearing a GPS tracking device or not having internet access.

Josh says he’s not guilty, and his wife believes he’s innocent as well, sources reveal. The feds spent several years building a case against Josh, and they seem to have solid evidence. Only time will reveal if Josh is guilty or not. His trial is scheduled for November 30. If he’s found guilty, he will spend decades behind bars.

What we know so far about the hearing

Josh is due to appear at another hearing, it was revealed recently. The hearing is scheduled for October 4. It’s an “Omnibus hearing.”This means that all motions that have been filed will be reviewed.

Is Josh Duggar going to attend another Hearing soon ?

As we’ve reported, Josh’s defence team has filed several motions regarding his arrest.

So, have you been keeping up with Josh Duggar’s latest scandal? What are your expectations for his hearing and trial? Comment below to let us know your thoughts.

Check back for the most recent Duggar family newsTelevision Shows Ace.

Josh is getting a hearingStarting at DuggarsSnark

Aubrey Meister started freelance writing in December 2016. She enjoys researching, writing, time with her cats, as well as watching TV.