I’m a young mom – Karens give me miserable looks when I push my stroller in a crop top but I don’t dress for them

Karens, who make her look miserable to a young mom.

She thought they wouldn’t appreciate seeing her wearing a crop-top while pushing a stroller.

TikTok user Taylor is a mom-of-two in her twenties


Taylor, a TikTok User in her 20s and a mother of two is an example.Credit: TikTok/saphiyaandi
Karens have judged her for her wardrobe choices


Karens is judging her by her clothes choicesCredit: TikTok/saphiyaandi

This young woman has no plans to change her style of dress.

She may be unhappy with their style, but they are not.

Anyways, Taylor (@saphiyaandiThere are more important matters to consider.

She has two kids to raise on her own, and she loves taking them outside in their stroller for some fresh air.

TikTok posts by her are mainly about being a single mother.

Taylor is a popular singer with over 1.1m likes.

In her Post byShe described the encounter with Karen and wasn’t happy.

“I’m a mom in my 20s,” she said. Which means you [will] See me with my double stroller in crop tops outside during the summer.”

She said she was not ready to wear clothes that would be appropriate for a woman of middle age just yet.

Her wardrobe choice had attracted the attention of those self-appointed “moral guardians”.

“Keep ya miserable looks to yourself,” said Taylor. “I don’t dress to impress you.

“I dress for myself and comfort so leave me alone Karen,” she said.

Taylor has entered a phase of her life that is all, “positive vibes and motherhood life.”

She will not take any more nonsense from the Karen brigade: “I’m in my healing and thriving era,” she said in another Post by.

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