I’m a fat woman married to a bodybuilder, I’m sick of rude people assuming he’s cheating on me or I’m his sugar momma


A WOMAN has revealed how she is sick of people assuming her husband will cheat or that he is with her for money because she is fat.

The woman highlighted the comments she has received in multiple TikTok videos on her account, aliciamccarvell, with some videos reaching three million views.

Alicia is happy and confident in her body despite what trolls say


Alicia is happy and confident in her body despite what trolls sayCredit: aliciamccarvell/Instagram
Alicia and her husband, Scott, have been together for 15 years


Alicia and her husband, Scott, have been together for 15 yearsCredit: aliciamccarvell/Instagram

Alicia, who is believed to be from the US, has been with her husband Scott for 15 years and the couple have been happily married for five after meeting in High School.

Alicia regularly posts videos of the couple, and has been subject to people asking her if she is worried he will cheat or why he is even with her, because Scott is muscular and Alicia, in her own words, is fat.

In one video, Alicia writes: “People out here thinking the only women that get cheated on are fat women.”

She goes on to say the questions she gets asked as a fat woman married to a muscular man.

“Aren’t you afraid he will cheat?

“Not even a little bit.

“Are you his sugar momma?

“No, we make our own money.

“Does he make you go to the gym?

“He doesn’t ‘make’ me do anything.

“Worry about your own relationship.”

Although Alicia regularly works out and posts the videos online, trolls are still tormenting her about her ‘unhealthy’ size and how gets ‘away with it with Scott’.

In one comment, a user said: “How do you get away with that with your man? I need to know your secrets!”

Alicia responded, saying; “Get away with – He doesn’t own me or rights to my body, I never signed up saying I’d look a certain way , and he couldn’t care less.”

Alicia who used to compete in bodybuilding competitions too, said her experience left her extremely thin and unhealthy and used unhealthy methods to attain the weight.

Alicia now puts her health and happiness before anything else.

Most users were positive in the comments of her videos, with lots of people expressing their support for Alicia and saying how the couple’s content always makes them smile.

One user wrote: “A man would never get asked these questions if the role was reversed.”

Another person commented: “I followed you and your husband for a while, and I just have to say you further my belief in soulmates. It doesn’t matter what anybody looks like.”

A third person replied: “It makes me so sad/angry that you keep having to address this! Can people not be satisfied with the idea you are a happy couple?!?”

The couple love staying active together and regularly workout together


The couple love staying active together and regularly workout togetherCredit: @aliciamccarvell/Tiktok
The couple often make fun of the trolls in the comments


The couple often make fun of the trolls in the commentsCredit: aliciamccarvell/Instagram

And, I am 44, my boyfriend is 19 years my junior, people always ask if he is my son but the sex is great.

Plus, a woman catches her boyfriend cheating after going to EXTREME lengths and people praise her efforts.

Meanwhile, A woman who gave up sex three years ago, said it was because she didn’t want another toxic relationship.

School mums might judge but we make £30k a month with our steamy homemade videos – our kids don’t mind either



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