I’m a country girl – I judge guys by their pickup trucks, not pickup lines, but they should give me their best shot


The BONA FIDE Country Girl has clearly stated her opinion of any prospective suitors.

Forget smart one-liners or charm offensives for this lady — she has eyes for one thing only, and it has wheels.

TikToker Billie is impressed with pickup trucks, not pickup lines


TikToker Billie’s favorite pickup truck is not a pickup line, but a pickup truckCredit: TikTok/itsreallybillie
She made her feelings clear in a post to her TikTok


She expressed her thoughts in a TikTok postCredit: TikTok/itsreallybillie

Billie (@itsreallybillie) claims on her TikTok that “life is better in the country.”

While she may have looked like she’s having a good time on the platform, her true intentions were clear. In a Post.

The country girl posed before a trailer of hay bales.

Her post was captioned: “I’m going to judge you by your pickup trucks, not your pickup lines.”

However, she expressed a willingness for her to accept the concession.

“But give your best pickup line anyways,” she wrote.

She gave her all, keeping to the promise she made.

One wag said, “I wish you could post pictures cause I have a big black lifted pickup.”

In response, Billie enquired: “Make, model, engine, liters, V8? Diesel? More info needed.”

Meanwhile, another hopeful pitched in, writing: “Me driving my Hyundai Tucson.”

For this ultimate no-no, Billie was blunt, telling the man: “Disqualification.”

Even more country charm was evident in the comments.

“You’re finer than a bulldog frog hair split three ways,” was the observation of one country type.

The final word went to the gentleman who has his own theories.

“City boys have pickup lines,” he said, “and country boys have pickup trucks.”

She thinks country life is best


She prefers the countrysideCredit: TikTok/itsreallybillie


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