Idaho Passes Abortion Legislation Modeled After Texas’s 6-Week Ban


Idaho has become the first state to pass the controversial Texas-style abortion bill that bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, and allows potential family members to sue a medical professional for up to $20,000 in damages who performs one, CBS News reported.

On Monday, Idaho’s GOP-controlled House passed Senate Bill 1309, SB 1309, also known as the “Fetal Heartbeat, Preborn Child Protection Act,” in a 51-14 vote, according to the legislature’s Assistant Chief Clerk Chris Taylor, CNN reported.

The bill models the restrictive Texas law that the U.S. Supreme Court has allowed to remain in place until a decision is made in the courts, CBS News reported.

The bill will now go to Republican Gov. Brad Little, where he has ten days to sign to allow the bill to become law or veto, a report said.

In September, the Texas law was enforced that bans abortion once the cardiac activity is detected, as early as six weeks.

Opponents of the bill pushed back, condemning the Texas law as unconstitutional.

Many women are not even aware they are pregnant until after six weeks, and before many people have time to access abortion care, CBS News previously reported.

Planned Parenthood has been one of the fiercest opponents denouncing the passing of the bill, and calling it a “copycat” of Texas’ near-ban on abortions, CNN reported.

On Monday, Planned Parenthood issued a statement, in part, stating that “without judicial relief, patients could be looking at the last month of abortion access in Idaho.”

“Idaho’s anti-abortion lawmakers ignored public opinion and rushed through this legislation, looking to capitalize on the U.S. Supreme Court’s failure to block Texas’s ban,” Planned Parenthood said.

“The bill’s sponsors and supporters have even explicitly stated their desire for Idaho to be the next Texas.”

The proposed Idaho law, similar to the Texas legislation, would allow certain individuals, even if they have no relationship to the pregnant person, to sue any abortion providers who violate the ban, according to Planned Parenthood.

The only case the legislation would not apply would be rape, incest or a medical emergency, a report said.


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