“I remember losing the pregnancy”


"I remember losing the pregnancy"

Alisha Gerrard | Phil and Alisha Gerrard | Source: facebook.com/alishavalerie | facebook.com/Phil Gerrard

A woman who had been in a coma for a few days could not recognize anyone around her when she woke up. She realized that she’d forgotten her last 10 years. Even more heartbreaking, she didn’t remember the most important aspect of her life—her marriage.

The world is not black and white. And we are often unprepared to face the future. We can’t always predict the future or face the challenges that are coming.

All people want to have a life that is happy, fulfilled, and free of problems, but they can face many trials and tribulations on their way. This story is about the life of a woman who was thrown into chaos by an unplanned incident.

Alisha Gerrard of Liverpool in United Kingdom was a child who had suffered from health problems. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at age 6 and developed ulcerative bowel disease when she reached 12.

It helped her ask him questions and he was willing to answer them.

Alisha claimed that she was able to manage her health issues well. One day in winter 2020, Alisha’s arthritis became unbearable. Due to coronavirus restrictions she was unable to visit her physician at the hospital.

Alisha’s pain was unbearable and she called a nurse who is a specialist in rheumatoid. The nurse suggested that Alisha try two different medications. treatments: Methotrexate, and Morphine. Liverpool resident claims that the two medications were given without blood tests.

Alisha said that she was treated by Dr. Gerrard and then became ill two weeks later. Her husband Philip Gerrard had to bring her to hospital emergency. Alisha Gerrard said She was literally on the verge of death because her condition was so serious. Only 40 minutes left to live

Alisha was released from the hospital after a month, and returned within 10 days to the same unit. It is reported that she had only 20 minutes of life left. She fought to save her own life with her mother by her side. Alisha reported that the patient died in the theatre an hour later.

Alisha’s doctors, who were aware of her severe condition, saved her, but placed her in an artificial coma so as to keep her from suffering too much. She regained awareness in an unfamiliar place, with faces she didn’t recognize.

Alisha reported that she had woken up heavily intubated and attached to an ICU life-support machine. She said she had no idea where she was, or what had happened. She watched doctors and nurses for four days with many questions running through her mind.

Alisha was told by one of her doctors that the medication prescribed to treat her had caused a reaction. It wasn’t just that. Alisha lost the memory of a decade in her life after a cerebral bleed.The woman has lost all memory of the past.

Alisha described being unable and unwilling to ask loved ones, why they aged suddenly so much. She also did not remember anything. She didn’t even remember her seven-year-long relationship with her husband, Phil.

Waking up From a Coma & Battling a Range of Emotions

Alisha’s struggle was not only physical, but also emotional and psychological. Due to the tracheostomy she had in her throat, Alisha was unable to speak or ask any questions. Her family and friends were unaware of her memory loss.

Alisha was in hospital when her mother came to visit her. She told Alisha that her grandma looked after her. The UK native initially thought that her grandmother was by her side when she was in the coma. She only realized later that her grandmother had passed away and was now watching over her.

It was difficult for her to accept the loss of her grandma. Alisha was forced to accept that her husband, who she only considered to be a friend of the family, had married someone else. I don’t recall my wedding, revealed Alisha went home to her parents after she left the hospital.

Alisha was surprised to find that everyone in the house had grown up. Alisha’s younger brother who, according to her memory, had once been in highschool and played football, and 11 years junior, is now a grown man. Alisha’s brother was in a serious relationship, had a driving license, was employed, and knew the ropes of a car.

She still knew Phil as her closest friend, despite not remembering anything about their marriage. It helped her ask him questions and talk to them.

Phil’s regular conversation with her helped her to recall important details of her past. I remembered the loss of pregnancy,” The following are some of the ways to get in touch with each other Alisha learns from her husband they have lost their unborn baby.

Gradually, Alisha managed to recall details from the last ten years of her life in bits and pieces—a life she had once lived, which only felt like a dream. Alisha’s husband said that it was difficult to understand everything. But he eventually saw this as a chance to rebuild their relationship.

Phil described how Alisha and Alisha’s relationship was strengthened by his life-changing experience It allowed them to reflect on the past. It was also a great opportunity for him to try new things and have adventures, such as watching TV shows and movies or visiting his favorite places.

Alisha, who lives in Clubmoor with her husband, plans to have a new wedding as she has forgotten their first wedding. Phil proposed again to his wife on February 14, and the couple got married. They plan to renew their vows at their 10th anniversary celebration in December 2020.

Alisha is 34 and has fallen in love with her husband again. She admitted that she felt like she was still in her 20s when rediscovering the past. She felt strong and confident despite having no memory from the past ten years.

Phil, who is 38 years old, reflected on the slow but worthwhile process of helping his wife to remember their life together and cherish that bond.

Alisha’s Life-Changing Experience: What Alisha Learned

Alisha was left with many physical and mental challenges after her terrifying medical ordeal. But if she had a chance, she would not change anything. Her challenges made her brave, resilient, generous, and thankful. And she wouldn’t change a thing.

Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she should have embraced her loss. Alisha chooses to focus on the good things in life. She calls herself a warrior and she is happy with the life that she has and her friends.

Alisha’s husband is the one she most appreciates. His love, dedication, and support helped her to overcome all odds. Phil’s wife, a proud woman of many accomplishments, wrote an emotional post. On December 24, 2022 you will see a photo of a couple with filtered Christmas reindeer. The caption read:

“This man. It’s a great honor to be married to this man. My best friend. My best friend. My everything. All I love. Always & Forever. ♡”

Alisha’s and Phil’s amazing story is proof that True Love It is possible to survive any trial. Wishing this couple continued happiness and a lifetime of golden memories!


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