How to Write a Good College Essay: Tips and Tricks

Why would you need to write better college essays? An average writing level is still enough to proceed from one class to another, from one course to the next one, without spending too much time on dealing with academic tasks. First, an average level is not something to be proud of, second, if you have an opportunity to do something better, why not use it, third, average level is not always enough. Moreover, writing better often means receiving better grades when spending even less time. You may stuck on essay and thinking about it all the time. It is true, when you just start to implement the tips and tricks given in this or other articles, you will write slower, but after two-three essays written according to these new rules, you will pick up the speed and enhance your writing. So, are you ready to start?

Writing Better College Essays: 10 Rules

There is one major trick we should warn you about before you continue reading other tips and tricks we have prepared for you — there are no miracles. You can find thousands of offers online about term papers for sale, but this will not help you figure out exactly how to write good student papers. Writing tips and tricks are not like prayers, or meditations, or mantras — they are more like exercises. When you decide you need to lose some extra pounds, you can either practice a wishful thinking, or  actually do something, You can read dozens of books and watch videos on how you can become a supermodel, or you can start with small but regular things — 20 minutes of exercises every day, drinking water, adding 2 portions of vegetables to your daily menu and many more. The result is obvious — if you just read about useful things, you get nothing, except for the feeling that you are better today than you were yesterday. If you actually do something, no matter how small, and keep doing it daily, you receive a better result than you could hope for. 

That is why, the most important thing here is to pick two or three tips you find the most suitable for your situation, and start implementing them right away. Here we go. 

Fight for better topics

If you have any opportunity to influence the topic of the essay you have to write, do it. Professors often value proactive behavior. Choose the topic you are interested in and convince your teacher to let you write on it. Offer several topics that are of the same value to you to create an illusion of a free choice.

Check the sources first

Before you decide on a topic you want to elaborate on, check the sources. You don’t need to waste time on something that requires too much research. Yes, it doesn’t sound not too academic, but it is close to reality — choose only the topics that have enough background to use in your college essay.

Create a library of sources

Once you start writing essays in some discipline, put all the valuable sources you stumble upon in one document. This document should always be in your bookmarks, so you just spend seconds adding information there. It requires some work, but in the end, you always have a list of sources to be used, and it saves hours of time later.

Use Google Scholar

You have already noticed that lots of sources you find thanks to your google search are not academically valid, you cannot use them. You cannot use Wikipedia, or blog entries, or websites that look exactly like Wikipedia, etc. That is why, not to lose valuable time scrolling through the useless links, use Google Scholar from the very beginning. It will only show you relevant results, peer reviewed journals, libraries and more. 

Use all the online services available for free

Those can be proofreading services, editing services, plagiarism analysis services and services that help to generate proper citations based on the required formatting styles. Those are the tools that make your college life easier, and your college essays better.

Write in defined periods 

Often, students think that they can just write everything in one last day, or that they can keep writing 7 hours straight. It often ends with missed deadlines and failed tasks. Plan your writing according to your real, not desired, abilities and write in preliminarily defined periods — 30 minutes with 5-10 minute breaks. Breaks help your brain relax and you don’t lose concentration for a long time. 

Write first thing in the morning

Even those who claim to be “owls” work better with texts in the morning. A cup of coffee and you are ready to write for 30 minutes. After that you can continue your day as planned, with breakfast and all. However, those first 30 minutes will make you feel like you are making real progress, and it is an important part of your every-day motivation.

How to deal with urgent essay writing tasks

Most of the tips and tricks you have read above are not related to some urgent tasks you have forgotten about or didn’t have time to deal with. It is a nice idea to look for a perfect essay topic and the most up-to-date sources, when you have plenty of time before the submission date. Meanwhile, when the deadline is scarily close, you need to employ another strategy. Here, a simple “write my essay for me” request will solve all the problems you have with essay writing. Delegate some of your assignments to professional writers — they will create an original paper from scratch, make sure it is 100% plagiarism free and formatted according to your requirements. Sometimes, especially under time pressure, the simplest ways are the best. Only you can decide what is better for your educational path, as long as you receive enough knowledge and practice to work professionally after graduation. One more reason to order papers with professional writing services, is to use the received drafts as quality examples for other essays you will have to write in the future. 

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