How to clean the grimiest part of your kitchen.


Cleaning whizzes have revealed where the most grimy and bacterial places are in the kitchen.

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, especially if you want to clean your entire house.

A cleaning whizz revealed the dirtiest place in your kitchen and how to get rid of the grime and bacteria


The dirtiest part of your kitchen revealed by a cleaning expert and tips on how to clean it.Credit: TikTok/norwex
The kitchen drain is 'very prone to bacteria growth,' according to the content creator


According to the creator of this content, the kitchen sink drain “is very prone to bacterial growth.”Credit: TikTok/norwex

According to experts, your sink is the place that’s the dirtiest in the kitchen. NorwexCleaning product manufacturer.

A Norwex screenwriter wrote, “Kitchens are often the room with more bacteria in it than any other in your home.” Video TikTok:

According to cleaning expert, “in and around drains are prone to bacterial growth.”

A before-and-after shot was shown on the brand’s account of a cover for a kitchen sink drain.

The content creator scrubbed away a brown layer of grime from the edge with Norwex’s All-Purpose Cleaner ($24.99).

This pair of All Purpose Cream and the Utility Brush is perfect for this project! In screen text, the creator stated.

The company added, “Specially-formulated to ensure that a little goes a very long way!

After picture of a stainless steel cover for drain.

Spring Cleaning

A cleaning professional shared with us four more areas of your home that you may have forgotten to clean.

TikToker David Lockridge (@davidlockridge2.0The U.S. Sun spoke with a man who is passionate about cleanliness and order.

“I’ve always been a clean person since I was a child, I was raised by a single mother with three boys who instilled it in us that cleanliness is next to godliness,” he explained.

The Texas native pointed out an area of the home that is likely to gather dust as it is often ignored.

Many people overlook their corners, crown moldings and baseboards which accumulate a lot dust over time.

Cleaning fanatics then named an unsanitary part of the toilet that most people don’t pay enough attention to.

He stated: “The bottom of the toilet is important, but many people forget about it.”

Influencers also highlighted some surfaces that are frequently used in homes but rarely cleaned.

David added, “Your sofa is important too because you sit on it every day and have guests over. You would be surprised at how many bacteria and dirt are on there.”

David also recommended that you pay more attention to the mattress.

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“That’s where we sleep at night and while sleeping you sweat the most, so you can’t forget to give your mattress some TLC,” he said.

David has also revealed common cleaning errors and products that he uses to keep his home clean. You can read The U.S. Sun’s exclusive article for more information.

The cleaning pro used all-purpose cream cleaner and a brush to make the drain look new


A brush and all-purpose cream cleanser were used by the cleaning professional to bring back the new look on the drain.Credit: TikTok/norwex


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