How The Infamous 27, Club Fate Was Predicted By The Stars


The 27 Club, which is similar to astrology, refers to the stars but is still a mystery. Although the types of stars may not be identical, they share more similarities than you might imagine.

The former can provide deeper insights into the latter. The 27 Club members were human shooting stars, brightening up, moving quickly, and dying young.

As it turns out, however, there are many ways to make your life easier. planetThese young stars may have been partly to blame for their tragic deaths.

The 27 Club

Side by side images of Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin performing
(Left: David Redfern/Redferns/Getty Images, Right: Tucker Ranson/Archive Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

The 27 Club refers specifically to an exclusive group of artists who died in the same year. While members date as far back as the 1800s, Kurt Cobain’s death spurred the popular urban legend.

Cobain, a founding member Nirvana’s, died in 1994 at age 27. His death was connected to the deaths of Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison, who were all rock icons between 1969 and 1971.

The unlucky list also included other pop culture icons, such as Amy Winehouse and Brian Jones (Rolling Stones). You’ll find even more lesser-known artists from soul singers to rockers to TV personalities.

The Significance And Importance Of The Stars

Natal chart with flowers

Admittedly, no 27 Club member’s cause of death reads, “bad horoscope reading.” Health conditions, drugs, the toll of fame, and several other factors led to these stars’ untimely demise. Their age is still something to be noted.

Planetary returns refer to the time in which a planet physically returns to the same location in the sky it was in at the time of something or someone’s birth. For example, the United States is currently experiencing its Pluto return. This means that Pluto has returned to its original position in the sky on July 4, 1776.

Humans will never live long enough for their Neptune, Uranus or Pluto returns. These planets’ orbits are too long, outlasting the average human lifespan by decades. This is not true for other planets.

We are able to experience the return of the inner and outer planets (plus Jupiter, Saturn) several times throughout our lives. The 27th birthday of a particular planet is the one that most affects us.

Saturn’s Return

Saturn surrounded by stars

Saturn takes 29 Earth years to complete a full orbit. It takes approximately two-and-a-half years for the ringed planet Saturn to travel from one Zodiac into another. Thus, a Saturn Return occurs every 27 years, specific to each individual’s natal chart.

This is particularly important in the context of The 27 Club, where Saturn rules. Saturn is the planet associated with discipline, tough love, and challenge. It symbolizes all things unmoving and rigid like one giant celestial block.

Saturn’s influence will be reenergized when it returns to the same position as at our birth. We are very aware of our past, present, as well as future challenges. Saturn, unlike some other planets, forces us to be more focused or we risk losing our way.

It’s no small coincidence that Saturn Return occurs during particularly tumultuous times in our lives. The first takes place at the ripe age of 27—old enough to have lived a little, but young enough to yearn for much more. It marks the beginning of adulthood.

Saturn Return is again seen in the middle of life, when many people look forward to retirement and their post-career goals. A third Saturn Return occurs in the early 80s. This is another stage of transition.

Saturn Killed The Radio Star

Saturn, Earth, and Milky Way

Are Saturn and the deaths of some of the most influential musicians of all time to be attributed entirely to Saturn? No, of course not—just like astrology isn’t the primary source of joy, success, satisfaction, or dissatisfaction in your life. It’s merely a contributing factor.

Saturn’s effects might not always be consciously known, but they’re definitely subconsciously felt. These pivotal moments in life are when we feel something is wrong. We don’t always know the cause. This can make it more challenging to face these problems head-on.

It can help make an obstacle more manageable by giving it a name or face. The universe isn’t out to get you; they’re just offering some tough love. We can navigate the bumps in our path by redefining these trials as an educational experience, rather than an attack.

If you’re reading this and are older than 29, then congratulations—you’ve made it past your first Saturn Return. You’ll get another one around your 54th birthday, and another on your 81st.

You might feel like the stars are falling around you at this moment, but these fleeting moments will pass. And in the end, you’ll be stronger for it.

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