How do you get rid of your double chin? – The US Sun


It’s not fun to notice a double-chin in the mirror, or in photos. This can lead you to want to lose weight.

This condition can be corrected with simple exercises.

 There are many factors that can give you a double chin, including weight gain and genetics


Many factors can lead to a double chin.

What causes a double-chin?

A double chin occurs when a layer of fat around your neck sags, causing a wrinkle, which gives the illusion of having two chins.

The truth is that you don’t need to be overweight to have this happen.

Some people have a double chin because they are genetically predisposed to it. This is due to having a family history with skin that has low elasticity.

Skin that loses its elasticity will not be able to hold onto the fat around your chin.

You can also develop a double-chin as you age and start to lose muscle.

Your posture can also contribute to a double chin.

Bad posture can also lead to weakening of the neck and chin muscles.

This can have the same effect on your neck as ageing due to the fat.

How can I get rid of my double chin?

It may not be easy to eliminate a double chin. However, there are simple exercises that can improve your neck strength.

These exercises should be done before any injury occurs.

To do this, rotate your neck in a circular motion. Next, warm up for the jaw.

1. Pucker up

This exercise will help strengthen your neck.

Extend your lips outwards as if you are attempting to kiss the sky.

Your neck muscles need to feel relaxed, but not painless.

This should be held for 5 to 20 seconds, then repeated 10 to 15 times.

 Puckering up while looking towards the sky can help tighten the muscles around your neck


The best way to tighten your neck muscles is to puff up and look towards the sky.

2. Pout

This is another way to build jaw strength and neck muscles.

It can be done standing or seated.

For a cute selfie, just extend the bottom lip as far out as you can.

This position should be held for three seconds. Next, tilt your head towards your chest while keeping the lower lip out.

Continue holding for three more seconds.

This should be done 10-20 times.

 Pouting a slowly moving your chin towards your chest can also prevent a double chin


A slow movement of your chin towards your chest can prevent double chins.

3. Whisper at the ceiling

Although it sounds strange, if you raise your head to whistle at the ceiling, it can strengthen your muscles.

While sitting, tilt your head towards the ceiling and close your eyes. (You should feel your neck muscles contract) Then hold the position for between 10-20 seconds.

You should do approximately ten reps in a single session.

 Whistling towards the sky is a good way to stretch and tighten your neck muscles


Whistling toward the sky is an excellent way to tighten and stretch your neck muscles.

4. Use a ball

To get the most from an exercise, tools are always helpful.

You will need a 5- to 10-cm ball for this task.

Keep one in your desk drawer to be able to exercise on breaks.

Place the ball under your chin and ensure you have straight back.

Slowly, push the ball down with your chin.

Repeat this process between 10 and 30 times per attempt.

 Squeezing a ball with your chin towards your chest will strengthen the muscles in your jaw and neck


By squeezing a ball towards your chest with your chin, you can strengthen your jaw muscles and neck.

5. Chew gum

Chew some gum and you can exercise your facial muscles.

According to a 2011 study, chewing gum made people feel more satisfied with their meals and less inclined to snack.

You can resist the temptation to snack and reduce the calories in your diet. This will help you lose the extra fat that causes double chin.

 Chewing gum is a mild form of exercise for your mouth and can strengthen the muscles around your jaw to keep a double chin at bay


Chewing gum can be a gentle form of exercise and can help to strengthen your jaw muscles.Credit to Getty Images


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