How a Fluffy Orange Cat named Jorts became a Pro Labor Icon


How a Fluffy Orange Cat named Jorts became a Pro Labor Icon

  • After becoming an internet sensation, Jorts, a fluffy orange cat named Jorts, became a viral hit. A series of Reddit posts.Now, he is a prounion icon.
  • His Twitter accountThe site has over 162,000 followers and is full of information about worker rights.
  • “I still don’t understand how any of this happened,”Jorts tweeted about his social media fame.

This is the story of how Jorts — a dumb, fluffy, orange, occasionally buttered cat — became an accidental pro-labor icon with a TwitterFollowing of more than 162,000

If that sentence makes no sense to you — and it probably doesn’t — then don’t worry, we’ll explain.

It all began in December last year when an anonymous writer started using the handle throwawayorangecatShare a story onlineReddit has information about Jorts (office cats) and Jean (office cats). “Am I The Asshole” subreddit. The writer explained that orange tabby cats Jorts are a “simple guy”Jean, a tortoiseshell kitten, can open doors even when they are closed.

He explained to Pam that he believed Jean was smarter than Jorts, which caused Pam to weep and upset her coworker Pam. Pam accused the writer. “perpetuating ethnic stereotypes by saying orange cats are dumb.”

The story ended Reddit: viralPam and the writer were able to resolve their dispute, although it was not resolved. One hiccup. Pam, apparently, kept. “putting margarine on Jorts in an attempt to teach him to groom himself better,”throwawayorangecat wrote. Pam is aware now that she “is NOT to apply margarine to any of her coworkers.”

“I think we were in a collective moment of needing something tender to gather around,”The Jorts and Jean account on Twitter CNN Business reporter in February. “It was also one of those rare stories where there was no villain. Life is full of these stories, but they don’t often explode online.”

A result of the minor virality of Jorts’ story was the launch of a TwitterThe account has more than 162,000 followers.

Insider reached out to Jorts’ account holder but he did not respond immediately.

Reddit Star to Feline Pro-Union Fighter

Jorts, with all his followers, could easily spend his day debating about the merits or dry food vs. wet food, or trying out catnip-filled mouse toys.

Jorts instead has used his online platform for a proworker agenda.

There are many things in between. Fan art Jorts UpdatesJean’s and other times Jean’s happenings are shared on Twitter. The account also shares advice and stories about worker rights.

“It’s against the law for your boss to prohibit you from discussing your wages with your coworkers, and also remember there are more workers than there are bosses,”One tweet was read along with a photo of Jorts.

Jorts called Starbucks several times and visited dozens of stores. Voted to unifyAll over the country

Jorts were also appreciated by followers. “helping people learn”Concerning labor rights, after the account shared a question about why workers were organizing store to store rather than sector by sector

Jorts is also an advocate for progressive politics

Ryan Broderick (Internet culture expert) is the Substack Newsletter’s writer Garbage Day, believes Jorts’ account works due to “accessibility.”

“Taking complex or dense ideas about socialism and workers’ rights and combining them with cute cat photos is an easier delivery mechanism for this stuff,”He told Insider.

But, it is possible to run an account like this. “is a bit of a tightrope act,”He noted. “A lot of fun politics accounts crash and burn when the politics stop lining up right, or if users feel like they’re being pandered to or having the issues they care about trivialized.”

CNN Business has learned that Jorts isn’t running for political office soon, despite being a voice for worker’s rights.

“Jorts is too young to run for office,”The person who told the outlet. “Also, Jorts and Jean both agree that running for office that would impact human law is best left to someone who has direct experience with being a human.”

Jorts seems to be still struggling to accept his internet fame.

When Frequently Asked QuestionsFor a complete list of methods to get, click here “a lot of Twitter followers who will all be super nice to you,”Jorts replied: “I still don’t understand how any of this happened. That was the end of the list.”


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