Hostess Buns Affected By Salmonella And Listeria Contamination Caution!


If you’re planning a cookout for Labor Day—and hamburgers or hot dogs are on the menu—you definitely want to read this, as you’ll need to be extra cautious when you pick out the hamburger and hot dog buns.

Voluntarily Recalled: Hostess Buns

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Hostess is voluntarily recalling their Soft White Hamburger Buns, and Soft White Hot Dog Buns. They are removing these products from the shelves because they may be contaminated by salmonella or listeria.

What are Salmonella and Listeria?

Salmonella and Listeria, two forms of bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses, are different. Salmonella infection affects the intestinal tract, but it doesn’t necessarily cause any symptoms.

Hostess Buns Affected By Salmonella And Listeria Contamination Caution!

According to the Mayo Clinic Salmonella, contamination can cause diarrhea and fever in some people. This happens within 8 to 72 hours. Some cases can be so severe that medical attention is required–but that’s pretty rare.

Listeria can be a problem if you eat food that has been contaminated. Listeria is a serious infection. This infection can cause flu-like symptoms such as confusion, loss of balance, muscle stiffness, and even loss of balance. These symptoms usually appear in one to four weeks.

Pregnant women, seniors, and people with weak immune systems are the most vulnerable. According to the CDC, It’s rare for people in other groups to get sick with Listeria infection.

Make sure you check your packaging

This recall was first announced by Hostess on August 13, 2021. The bacteria was discovered during routine monitoring at the food production facility. The recall of hot dog buns, hamburgers, and hot dogs has not yet resulted in any illnesses. They want to keep it that.

You don’t need to check the label if you have Hostess buns already in your pantry. There were 32 batches of Hostess Soft White Hamburger Buns that were affected by the recall. The UPC number was 888109110987. All of them have the best-by dates of August 13, 2021, to Oct. 4, 2020.

Sixteen batches of Hostess Soft White Hot Dog buns were recalled with the item UPC number 888109110970. The best by dates for the hot dog buns recalled are from Aug. 13-2021 to Sept. 30, 2021.

Do you have more questions?

The hostess does not have a list of locations or stores where the buns were sold. Instead, they said that they went to “distributors, convenience stores, and other retail stores throughout the United States.”There are no other Hostess bread or baked goods that are affected.

You should throw away any hamburgers or hot dog buns you’ve purchased. You can also return them to the shop for a full refund.

You can reach the Hostess customer support line at 1-800-483-7255 if you have any questions regarding the recall.