Health chiefs to lead Downing Street press conference at 4pm TODAY on vaccines for kids


HEALTH chiefs will give a press conference this afternoon to give the green light to jabbing teenagers.

Professor Chris Whitty, together with the other UK chief medical officers, recommended one Pfizer vaccine to children.

Vaccines for kids are expected to get the green light for a rollout in days


Vaccines for kids are expected to get the green light for a rollout in daysCredit: LNP

They will set out their decision later at a press conference, expected to be at 4pm.

They are expected to get the green light within days to have their vaccines – one dose of Pfizer recommended.

He will present along with four other chief medical officers from the four countries to explain why they believe it’s a huge benefit to children to have their vaccines jabbed.

Experts are expected to say that they believe although there’s just a small

In a letter to Health Sec Sajid Javid, they urged ministers to extend the rollout to children under 16.

The letter said: “They [CMOs] therefore recommend on public health grounds that Ministers extend the offer of universal vaccination with a first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to all children and young people aged 12-15 not already covered by existing JCVI advice.”

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “We have received advice from the four UK Chief Medical Officers on offering COVID-19 vaccination to young people aged 12-15.

“We will set out the Government’s decision shortly.”

While only over-16s are currently being jabbed, there has been widespread pressure for an expansion of the rollout in order to prevent infection as students return to school.

Last month, the JCVI – the vaccines authority – refused to recommend jabs in the 12 to 15-year old age group.

They decided to pass the responsibility to the health chiefs to make the final decision.

Boris Johnson will today hail vaccines in the UK’s defense against a winter surge that has ravaged the NHS.

To announce a boost blitz for over-50s, he will hold another press conference together with Patrick Vallance, chief scientific advisor to the UK.

Boris Johnson will give another press conference tomorrow on the winter plan


Boris Johnson will give another press conference tomorrow on the winter planCredit: PA
The health chiefs wrote to Sajid to outline their thinking


The health chiefs wrote to Sajid to outline their thinkingCredit: PA

The PM will tomorrow lay out his winter Covid plan to avoid another NHS-crippling spike throughout the colder months.

He said that he was very happy with the actions he’s taken, based on the current situation.

“I’ll be setting out a lot more tomorrow. I’ll be giving a full update on the plans.”

On the prospect of another lockdown, his official spokesman said today: “We would only ever consider those sorts of measures as a last resort.”

The PM also urged the “10 per cent or so” who still have not had a single jab to “please go and get one”, also directing his plea to younger people.

“Don’t forget that the vast majority of people who are suffering seriously from Covid are unvaccinated,” He added.

Children around Europe and the US are getting their vaccines.

Boris Johnson ‘very confident’ no winter lockdown will be needed – but doesn’t rule one out


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