Gmail users and Outlook users are being warned to not click the “kiss of Death” button, as it could spell disaster for their devices and banks


Cybersecurity experts are warning that dangerous malware could lurk in your inbox.

Clicking on the wrong buttons can infect your device and expose all your personal information.

Cybersecurity experts want you to watch out for QBot malware


Watch out for QBot, a malware that is causing concern among cybersecurity expertsCredit: Getty

KnowBe4 experts explain on Your blog: “QBot malware seems to be outliving its competitors through innovative new ways to socially engineer victims into helping install it.”

QBot has been around in some form since 2008.

According to reports, the latest version combines several tricks to lure victims into downloading it.

Hackers hide malware within PDF files which you may accidentally download by clicking on a link to a malicious site sent in an email.

Clicking the link will cause a download. You’ll then be asked to “open” the file to view it.

You must not click this button.

Clicking launches a malicious file onto your device.

Kaspersky experts had previously labelled QBot as “a banking Trojan.”

Your logins and passwords are stolen.

Kaspersky’s blog revealed: “It is possible for attackers to steal banking information, intercept correspondence and keystrokes. They can also spy on bank activities and mine login credentials and cookies.

It can also be used to install malware, such as ransomware.

Keep your antivirus software up to date and don’t click on any email links that look suspicious or pop-ups from websites.


Check the sender of every email.

If the email looks legitimate, check the email address for errors in spelling or other minor irregularities.

Avoid clicking “enable” when you see the word “content.”

Also, be cautious about clicking on links within emails.

If you’re certain an email you have received is a scam, let your email provider know by clicking on the “Report” button and delete it.


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