General Hospital Spoilers – Liz and Finn are shocked by Lucky’s return!


General Hospital spoilers tease that Lucky Spencer (last played by Jonathan Jackson) hasn’t been in Port Charles for many years.

He didn’t come home when his mother Laura Collins (Genie Frances) married Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom), when his sister Lulu Falconeri (Emme Rylan) was put into a coma following an explosion, or when his father Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) died.

Currently, both of Laura’s other children are either missing or injured so it seems like it’s time for Lucky to come home, at least for a visit.

General Hospital Spoilers – Lucky Spencer And Elizabeth Webber’s Were Teenage Sweethearts!

Elizabeth Webber, played by Rebecca Herbst (Lucky), and Elizabeth Webber fell in love as teenagers. Elizabeth Webber was raped by Lucky.

The two of them were married for years, but eventually divorced after Elizabeth slept with Lucky’s brother Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma).

General Hospital: Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst)

Elizabeth has 3 sons, although Lucky is only Aiden’s biological father. Lucky, on the other hand, agreed to raise Aiden and his brother as if they were his sons. Instead.

Elizabeth, for most of the time, raised her three sons on her own.

GH Spoilers – Lucky Spencer May Want To Make Up For Lost Time!

Perhaps Luke’s death has made Lucky realize he hasn’t been there for his children. It’s possible that he will make every attempt to build a bond with Jake as well as Aiden. Elizabeth might wonder if Lucky means it when he speaks.

She will support his wishes as long as he doesn’t plan to just run off again. Elizabeth is slowly getting involved with Michael Easton’s Dr. Hamilton Finn, but once Elizabeth and Lucky get over their animosity towards each other, he will notice that they have a bond.

General Hospital Spoilers – Elizabeth Webber Is Stronger Now!

Lucky will certainly be impressed with Elizabeth’s strength and how much of her past could be because of what her parents did to her as a teenager. Lucky is likely to admit it was much easier for them to flee than deal with their problems.

They may slowly revert to their old emotions, now that they’re older and more experienced. Finn would certainly realize he can’t compete with Lucky and will bow out gracefully, leaving Lucky and Elizabeth with one more chance to get things right!

GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?

Laura, should Lucky visit her? He has unfinished matters with Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Lucky could renew their relationship one last time.

General Hospital, which airs weekdays at ABC, is a show that you should not miss. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!


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