Francesca Farago shares her plans to freeze eggs after engagement


Francesca Farago is building a future with her perfect match.

You can also find out more about the following: The temperature is too hot to handle Alumnae spoke about their family plans following her recent engagement to TikTokerJesse Sullivan. According to the 29-year-old, not only will she be freezing her eggs later this year, but Jesse—who came out as transgender in 2019 and uses he/him pronouns—will be undergoing the same procedure as well.

“We have everything planned out,” Francesca shared on the May 3 episode of the Sofia with an F podcast. We’re going to probably try to get eggs this summer. “We need to take his and my eggs, put them together in a bowl and fertilise them.”

Jesse is the dad of 14-year-old Jesse Arlo from a previous relationship, further detailed their parenthood plans to welcome not one, but two members to their family.

Jesse said, “We are going to use Arlo’s father’s sperm to create embryos.” He added that Francesca would be “ready” to “carry the baby” when the embryos were frozen.


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