Florida Teen Allegedly Contained in an 8-by-8-Foot Room by Adoptive Parents for at Least 5 Years


A teenage boy in Florida was allegedly kept in an 8-by-8-foot room in a garage for several years by his adoptive parents.

Timothy and Tracy Ferriter were arrested for aggravated child abuse and false imprisonment, after one of their adopted children was reported missing, according to authorities.

Police went to their home and said they found a structure with a mattress, camera, and a bucket, allegedly provided for the child to use as a toilet.

The boy was found at school, where, according to the police, he told officers, “he would rather be in prison than be back at home.”

He also said he ran away “because I feel like no one loves me,” police say.

“The 13-year-old has been physically abused and forcibly confined to live within the garage structure by his adopted parents since at least 2017,” the Jupiter Police Department said.

Child Protective Services also removed three other children from the Ferriters’ home.

Timothy and Tracy Ferriter were released on $25,000 bond each, and have been ordered not to have unauthorized contact with the four children formerly in their custody.

They have both pleaded not guilty.


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