Experts speculate as to why Alec Baldwin didn’t take this step in The Rust Investigation

Experts speculate as to why Alec Baldwin didn't take this step in The Rust Investigation

Alec Baldwin has yet not to give his phone to investigators about the incident. “Rust”Experts speculate on why Baldwin isn’t cooperating with the shoot.

“There could be incriminating evidence on the phone, or it might be for privacy reasons,”Kevin Kearon is a criminal defense lawyer and was previously part of the Nassau District Attorney’s Office. “If he deleted text messages or call records then he would face the possibility of criminal contempt,”Kearon stated, “Personal” The New York Post. “Or if there are personal messages … it’s not shocking that he wouldn’t want them in the public domain.”

Officials are looking for messages, phone calls, photos, videos, and conversations conducted via social media from Baldwin’s phone — that also includes deleted information that has a connection to the “Rust”Shooting, per CNN.Officials are looking for information not only against Baldwin but also anyone who is a member of the movie crew. Baldwin’s phone was used to call them.

“They’ll be looking for [texts saying] ‘Oh my god, I didn’t check the gun’ or ‘I hired someone who’s not competent’ — anything that’s incriminating or that could shed more light and give more context,”Louis Shapiro, a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer told the New York Post. Baldwin has not yet handed over his phone but experts said that Baldwin would likely have to do so to assist with the investigation. Baldwin could also be charged with contempt.

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