Dog owners, please be aware of the room you must NEVER allow your dog to enter.


Dog owners are being warned to not leave their dogs alone in the house after one of them needed a life-saving operation.

Cocker Spaniel Rome managed to consume an entire corn cob before his owners could stop him.

Dog owners have been warned not to leave their pooches alone in the kitchen


The warning to dog owners not to let their dogs alone in the kitchenCredit: Getty

The dog was taken to the veterinarian where an X ray showed that the kernel stalk was lodged in his stomach.

The cob, while not poisonous, is difficult to digest and may cause obstructions that could be fatal.

Roman’s owner Danielle said: “That’s the first time Roman has done that.

“He swallowed the corn all at once.”

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Jordan Sinclair, of Haven Vets Hull, managed to remove the offender via a tiny incision on the stomach.

Roman, who has recovered since then after Roman’s recovery from the Cocker wound, was stitched by him.

Jordan warns owners that dogs in the kitchen or near picnics, barbecues and food waste should be watched closely.

He said HullLive: “Corn on the cob can cause choking in dogs or it is highly likely to cause a blockage.

“They will start being sick and if it gets lodged in the intestine it can cause parts of the gut to die off and affect the blood supply to those areas.”

You should immediately take your dog to the veterinarian if you believe they’ve swallowed something.


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