Does lemon water help with bloating?


Does lemon water help with bloating?

Bloating is something that you may experience often. There are many foods and drinks that can help. According to Women’s healthYogurt and other foods rich in probiotics can help prevent bloating. High potassium foods like bananas and strawberries can help. “Potassium can help the kidneys get rid of salt, which may help with water retention,”Matthew Bechtold MD. Other foods that you can try if you feel bloated are brown rice and apple, which contain fiber that will help your digestive system move.

While it is good to drink liquids, you might want to limit your intake of carbonated drinks if you are feeling bloated. Carbonated drinks introduce air into your stomach which can cause more bloat. Stay with water, tea, or broth. You might also consider cutting back on dairy, cruciferous veggies, fried foods and processed foods. These foods can cause stomach upset, and worsen bloating.


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