Doctors warn Chloe Goodman that this would be her last pregnancy


Reality star Chloe Goodman and her fiancé footballer Grant Hall are expecting their second child in March, but doctors have said her pregnancy is again high risk

Doctors warn Chloe Goodman that this would be her last pregnancy

Chloe Goodman revealed that she is currently pregnant with her second baby, but said it will be her last.

The model, 28, and fiancé footballer Grant Hall revealed they are due to add to their brood in March next year, but they have been told by doctors it’s the last time Chloe will be able to have a baby.

The route to motherhood hasn’t been easy for the reality star, but she admits she can’t wait to add to her family.

Speak to getcloser according to her, the couple were “absolutely thrilled” She shared the news with Grant and explained how she broke it to Grant by placing their one-year-old daughter in a hospital. “promoted to big sister”Top

Doctors warn Chloe Goodman that this would be her last pregnancy

She admitted: “I can’t wait to have two children and for Isla to have a sibling.”

But she candidly admitted that this will have to be her last child as doctors have told her her body wouldn’t cope with another pregnancy.

Chloe Goodman is expecting her second child.

After the 2018 operation, Chloe’s pregnancy is now considered high-risk.

After her fourth smear test, doctors discovered that the star had high-grade 3, abnormal cells. It was thought they could have caused cervical cancer.

After a biopsy, she was admitted to surgery to remove a portion of her cervix. She was also warned about the possibility of miscarriage and premature birth.

When she was pregnant with Isla, she had to have a cervical needle placed at 14 weeks. It was then removed at 36 weeks. This was to prevent any complications. Although she will still need to go through the same procedure, doctors have advised her that it is too risky to have a third baby.

She said: “They have to put the stitch higher up than it was with Isla because of the scar tissue and I don’t have much of my cervix left anyway, so I’ve been told I won’t be able to carry again after this pregnancy. This will be our last child.”

And she admits that the news came as a shock to her as she thought she’d be able to just keep having the stitch if she was pregnant.

One-year-old Chloe Goodman is a mother to footballer Grant Hall.
Chloe was told by doctors it would be too risky for her to have another baby.

She says that she feels fortunate to have children and she hopes the couple have a boy.

“Knowing it’s our last, we’d absolutely love a little boy,” She said. “It would be lovely to have one of each [sex] but we’re grateful either way to be able to carry a pregnancy.”

She admits that they will again discover the baby’s sex, and plan to reveal her gender.