Do Scream Directors Radio Silence as The Last Jedi Like The Last Jedi


When it comes to “Scream” fandom, it doesn’t get much bigger than directors Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and producer Chad Villella, who are collectively known as Radio Silence. Talking to them, even for a few moments, it is very clear that there simply isn’t anyone else who could have brought this new “Scream”Your life.

The last time the team worked together on the amazing locked-door horror thriller, “Ready or Not,”We spoke with them about how it felt to work on their dream film. We also tried to convince the legacy cast members that they would like to join the new film. We also discussed reproducing the special formula which made the original films so special. However, Wes Craven, who died in 2015, and Kevin Williamson, who was an executive producer, were not involved in the production of the new script. Guy Busick and James Vanderbilt handled the new script. We get their thoughts. “The Last Jedi” too!

We’ll have more from our chat with the Radio Silence team, including digging into all those juicy spoiler details, very soon!

Was it a journey like?

Tyler GillettIt was terrifying and exciting in equal parts. I think, it’s been an out body experience since we read the script for the first time in the top of 2020, it was just. It all started when Guy and Jamie, two of our closest friends, told us that they were writing the script. This happened before we even knew about it. It was like, holy shit another “Scream”Movie is on the way.

How much time did you put into developing the central idea? What was the screenplay for the first movie and what did it look like in the end?

Matt Bettinelli-Olpin: The initial screenplay was very close…

Tyler Gillett: “Scream”-play.

Matt BettinelliOlpin: To the things you saw. The story didn’t change. Some scenes had to be cut in post-production for flow. As with all movies, there were some scenes that had to be cut in post. But the story they wrote, that we read in February 2020 is what you’re seeing. And the other great thing about Guy and Jamie is that we are such good friends with them that throughout the process of making the movie we’re in constant communication. So whenever we have something that’s not quite working, we can bounce it off of them. They’ll send us something great right away. It’s just a very collaborative process the whole time.

Scream Radio Silence

Neve spoke with us about your letters to her in a 2020 interview. Was it touch-and-go when it came to securing returning cast members?

Tyler GillettIt was very touch and go. We felt certain that they would sign on, I believe. It was a perfect tribute to these characters and a way to bring us back into their lives 10 years later. This script gave us all the confidence we could muster. We knew what the blueprint was, and how it resonated with us. It was obvious that it would resonate with anyone who understood it. “Scream” movies, but there’s also just a reality to schedules and all of that. These movies have a legacy cast, and there’s also the reality of the emotional weight.

They were part of the Wes and Kevin family. It was a bit of a shock to him not being around. We thought it was our job to let them know what we were trying to accomplish. Wes and Kevin are our heroes and our love for their work. We want to be humble and generous and do the right thing.

Did you ever reach out to other key collaborators in those first movies about that mix of reverence & reinvention? How did you manage to respect the past while not attempting to imitate it?

Chad Villella: That’s a fantastic question and I think it all starts with the script. What Guy and Jamie brought into the script. And then when we come on board, we did reach out to Patrick Lussier who was Wes’ editor on the original “Scream”Just to see if I can get them to think a little more about what happened with the first film.

And one of the things that Patrick told us that Wes always said is I want them to feel like they’re in the hands of a madman. That opening is, undoubtedly, one of Drew Barrymore’s best. He quickly realized that there was no limit to the number of characters that could be created. And I think that’s something that we definitely wanted to approach ours with. Relying on the past of everything throughout the whole process was a key component. “Scream”We found it so important. We have been to four movies before this film and are still huge fans. “Scream” fans. Fans are the ones who make another. “Scream” movie. We looked at the history of each film and picked out the best things to put in the movie.

Then, we were also challenged to continue building on it. Like you were saying, you don’t want to just pay homages and do Easter eggs and things. You need to build on it and you need to introduce new characters that fans of the franchise are going to love and hopefully respond to in a personal way, that is of the time now that they’re watching this. I think that’s all those elements are part of what we wanted to think about while we were going into making this and just opening up where the franchise is now and where it can go.

Scream Radio Silence

Did you feel any trepidation?

Chad Villella: I wouldn’t say anything but trepidation. I don’t know if it’s still here. It was evidently there leading up to this weekend. Also, again, this goes back to my answer earlier a little bit, we’re huge fans of all things “Scream.”Like, A) The opportunity presented itself to us to get onboard and work together with everybody. And we’re like, “yes, we have to.” And then through the entire process, we’re like, “holy shit, I can’t believe they’re letting us make a ‘Scream’ movie.” And then, even while we were in production, we’re like, “oh my God, we’re making a ‘Scream’ movie.” And now, a day out from release or that, I guess it releases tonight, it’s, wait what’s happening. It’s actually true It isA “Scream” movie. It’s no big prank from the universe. This is what we did. We did this.

Tyler Gillett: Can’t unmake it now.

Chad Villella: Can’t can undo it now. It’s all nerves, all love and respect that I have to take on this task. This means the world to many of our fans, including us.

Tyler Gillett: It’s just a unique experience just to have an audience already aware of the thing before it ever is introduced to the world. It seems that the moment this project was announced, there were more people who were aware of it than ever before. “Ready or Not.” That’s a wild thing to know like, oh, We have to keep a few very specific buckets.. One that will please die-hard fans, but also one that may be able to bring new audiences to the site. “Scream”franchise, but also the horror category, which is, of course, what the original created “Scream”We were grateful for their help. We had two responsibilities at any given time, which was a very special experience. And it’s our first time with something of this scale.

Was the screenplay kept secret? Did you actually try to hide parts of the screenplay from the cast? Or was it just to preserve the legacy of these films?

Tyler GillettIt was mainly about us having fun. I think that if you asked the cast to tell you a truthful answer, they would all be honest. “yeah, we knew what the movie was,” because certain people had scripts and other people didn’t.

I think that there was a level of subterfuge we were trying to design, and shocker, they’re all great actors. They had us convinced that they didn’t know, but I think they probably knew. Everyone was willing to help. That was probably one of the most enjoyable aspects that I saw. It was also a great way to see how interested the cast was in the project offscreen. It was the idea of making a “Scream”Movies are unique because of the way they are made. And it’s part of the experience. Beyond just being on set and performing your job, the behind-the scenes story of how these movies are made is part of the franchise’s lore. Everyone was happy to be part of it and make new memories. It was an important part of the fun experience that everyone shared.

Scream Radio Silence

Supposedly you’ve been very elusive about this but considering it gets called out in “Scream,” it begs to be asked: what’d you think of “The Last Jedi?”

Matt Bettinelli-Olpin: Honestly though, I feel like nobody’s asked us that. Are we being asked that question by everyone?

Tyler Gillett: It was a question we were asked during the junket.

Chad Villella: Once.

Tyler Gillett: I love “The Last Jedi.”I’m a firm believer in the power of fucking. Its risks are what I believe in. It is worth the risks. I’m a fan.

Matt Bettinelli-Olpin: I think it’s the risk that makes it special, right? The stuff that’s caused the uproar is exactly what makes it special. Whether or not you like the movie, that’s what makes it so special is it’s taking risk. It’s trying something new. And I think it’s such a wonderful companion piece to “Force Awakens,” which does, and I don’t mean this in any way as a negative, I love “Force Awakens.”It just plays it safe. It does this very much as if you are reminiscing about the movie. It is back!

Tyler GillettSlippers that are comfortable and stylish

Matt Bettinelli-Olpin: And it’s new and have fun. I love those comfortable slippers. And then I love that in the second one, Rian Johnson was like, now let’s fuck with all of that and see how you feel. And that’s just so exciting.

Tyler Gillett: But what’s so fun is that, and I think that hopefully this is evident in the movie, is that we’re a part of that conversation, right? Like we’re fans and for as much as it’s calling out and I think trying to define the line between having an opinion and the expression of that opinion being dangerous, we consider ourselves a part of those fandoms. For as much as I think we’re exploring, that we’re also talking about ourselves.

Matt Bettinelli-OlpinIt was what we discussed on the movie. Like the whole process, we had this weird meta conversation with each other about what the movie’s about while we are literally fans making the new movie of a franchise. It took a lot of work and thought to make it a serious project.

“Scream”This movie is available in all theaters right now.


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