Disney Parks: Viral acts of kindness

  • The most magical places on Earth are Disney parks, and there are many random acts of kindness.
  • These 10 cases went viral, making it easy for us to believe in the magic.
  • A Disney World visitor wore a shirt asking for a kidney transplant — within days, over 100 people contacted him.

The reality is that Disney parks often don’t live up to the hype. Sometimes, though, we will see a story about extraordinary kindness that goes viral. This shows us that there is still magic in the world and that people are still kind.

These stories will make you cry at your desk, from Captain America learning sign language to two college kids raising enough money to take the entire family to Disney World.

These are nine acts of kindness that were virally performed at Disney parks.

All Disney World’s princesses fell in love with a very polite little boy.

TikTok by Vanessa Guedert Video of Bernardo, her child, tipping his capIt has been viewed more than 43 million times since its upload in September 2021.

Multiple comments referred to the 4-year-old “a true gentleman”Many people admitted to crying at the video. After all, chivalry isn’t dead.

A man seeking a kidney transplant wore a shirt to Disney World asking for help — 5 months later, he received a new kidney

Robert Leibovitz spent $35 to screenprint a T-shirt that read, “In Need Of Kidney”His blood type and number. Did he see a return? If you consider successfully finding a match and receiving a new kidney a good return — then yes.

According to Washington PostLeibovitz wore this shirt to Disney World in August 2017, in the hope that another visitor might see it and contact him. He thought. “maybe I’d get a little pixie dust.”

Instead, a photo was taken of the shirt and posted to Facebook. It was shared over 33,000 times in one day and more than 90,000 times per week. It was even better: A man reached out to him and ended up being a match. The transplant went well in January 2018.

“I had no clue that this thing would be so viral, so successful,” said Leibovitz.

When Captain America was able to communicate with him through sign language, a Disneyland visitor was clearly overjoyed.

Jade Wilson (@xoxogossipjade), shared this post.

The internet was made to smile by an Instagram video posted in June 2016. This video has been viewed more than 27,000 times. Capt. America speaks with a park visitorAmerican Sign Language According to UpWorthyThe guest indicated that he was from Boston. The superhero replied by saying that he is working on his ASL. “he’s a bit of a slow learner.”

Since 2010, their mission has been to make parks more accessible for the hard-of-hearing community. According to Disney Parks.

Disney organized a free trip to celebrate the 7th birthday of a boy aged 6 who had donated his vacation savings to Hurricane Dorian victims.

Jermaine Bell went viral in September 2019 for using his savings — which he had been planning to use on a trip to Disney World — to buy hot dogs, chips, and water for people displaced by Hurricane Dorian.

“I wanted to be generous and live to give,”The 6-year-old boy WJBF local TV station. “When people were hungry, I wanted them to have something to eat.”

A few days later, Disney surprised him with a complimentary trip to Disney World for his seventh birthday. Mickey Mouse, along with other Disney favorite characters, rolled up at his house in a charterbus decorated with Disney decorations and whisked them away on a special VIP journey to Disney World.

“Be strong, and if you do good things, you will be rewarded,” Bell said this after he received his surprise.

Two customers heard about a barista’s dream to take her family to Disney World. They set out to raise the money.

This amazing story took place in 2016. Kathryn Thomson was a ten-year employee at Acorn, the coffee shop that Elon University students love. One evening, she Two customers were referred to meTaylor Zisholtz was a student at Elon, while Lucy Smith-Williams was a student at Elon. Lucy said that her dream was to take her son, her wife, and her two grandchildren, Lucy Smith Smith-Williams to Disney World.

Thomson’s story touched the hearts of both students, so they posted a request on social media for donations to help Thomson go on her vacation. They had raised enough money within weeks to allow Thomson and her family to travel.

Disney Parks claims that the family is the best. “experienced all four theme parks, a special meet and greet with Mickey Mouse and with a little Disney magic, a surprise reunion with the two college students who worked to make this happen.”

A couple gifted a broken gift to a little girl while she was visiting Disney World. It was in honor of their daughter’s Make-a-Wish journey.

In November 2019, Kara and Kyle Geiselman were prepared to apologize when their 4-year-old daughter Belle ran into two strangers — but instead, the strangers offered Belle a gift. The couple said they were in Disney to celebrate the anniversary of their daughter’s Make-a-Wish journey.

Geiselmans were informed by the couple that they bought two Mickey Mouse gold rings during their trip, one for their daughter, and one for their other child. “adorable like their little girl.”

As Kara shared her thoughts in a Facebook post.It was Belle’s first visit to the park, making it even more special for her family. “without needing a feeding tube for nourishment or an oxygen mask on the flight.”Belle was born prematurely. Needed a feeding tubeFor the first 18 months her life.

A 6-year old boy from Orange County wanted an autograph, and not from Disney characters.

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Disneyland Paris

Michel Euler/AP

Shayne Welch, a 6-year-old boy, and his brothers visited Disney World with their parents in November 2015. Their last day together was celebrated with a photo shoot. Today spoke with Jennie, Shayne’s mom.they decided to let their sons pick out autograph books to get some autographs from the Disney characters who wander the park.

Shayne wanted to sign an autograph, but he decided against it: Orange County Master Deputy Keith Rogers.

“As soon as he saw Deputy Rogers, he asked if he could get his autograph. We walked over to Deputy Rogers, who immediately bent down to Shayne’s level and began a conversation with him,”Today was told by Welch. “When we were leaving, Shayne insisted on going out the exit near Deputy Rogers. When the deputy saw him, he yelled out, ‘Bye, Shayne!’ Shayne looked at me with a huge smile and said, ‘Mom, I’m gonna miss him.'”

After a mom was almost too claustrophobic to get on a ride with her daughter, a helpful Disney employee rode with her — and held her hand the whole time

September 2019 A Facebook post by Jessica D. Thomas that received over 73,000 likesShe shared the story of her first Disney World trip with her 1-year old and her 3-year-old.

Thomas wrote how she’s been claustrophobic for her entire life and experiences panic attacks if she is triggered — it happened right before she boarded a ride in Disney’s Animal Kingdom based on “Avatar.”

So, she got off with her 1-year-old — but before she could exit, a friendly Disney cast member named Samantha took it upon herself to ask what was going on. Thomas explained and Samantha offered to take her along.

“She not only held my hand the entire time but she also pointed out every single exit to me, told me about all the ways I was safe and how the cast members could come get me out if any of my worst fears came true. *Here is where she is an out right Godsend* [sic] While she was helping me through this, she simultaneously pointed out every detail of fun for my little girl and didn’t miss a beat,”Thomas wrote. “Today, I didn’t feel like less of a mom or less than at all. She made me feel…well.. just magical at Disney today.”

Snow White did everything to soothe an autistic boy who was overwhelmed by Disney World’s crowds.

Lauren Bergner and her family went to Disney World in August 2019. Brody, her son with autism, is nonverbal and became overwhelmed by the parks and crowds after meeting Snow White. Bergner described him as: “having [an] autism meltdown.”

Snow White responded. “was amazing with him!! She kissed, hugged, and cuddled him,” “held his hand, danced with him, took him over to a bench and sat with him. She went above and beyond,” Bergner wrote on Facebook. “She was a pure angel ! She was magical and my family is forever thankful and touched!”

Bergner’s heartwarming story was quickly shared over 181,000 times and received over 50,000 comments from well wishers. However, it has since been deleted.

We are all so grateful that this Disneyland Cinderella took the effort to greet our service dog.

In January 2019, a video capturing the moment a service dog met Cinderella at Disneyland went viral. Everyone wants to give their favorite Disney princess a huge hug, just as Elijah the service-dog-in-training did.


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