Discover the Exciting Possibilities for Netflix’s Beef Season 2 Addressed by Creator Lee Sung Jin!


Unraveling the Mysteries of Beef Season 2: What Lies Ahead

There have been plenty of great TV anthology series in recent years, like “Fargo” and “True Detective.” By keeping up the quality, “Beef” could easily rank among those if more seasons come to fruition. Right now, the show’s future remains up in the air, and there’s even a possibility that more “Beef” could pick back up with Danny and Amy from Season 1.

The Uncertain Future of Beef: More Seasons on the Horizon?

The ending of Netflix’s “Beef” sees the two come to terms with one another and allow themselves to relinquish their hatred. It doesn’t end in the cheeriest of places, but future seasons could explore how the two manage to heal and put the pieces of their lives back together. Lee Sung Jin talked to Rolling Stone in April 2023 about continuing “Beef” with Danny and Amy. “I think should we be blessed with a Season 2, there’s a lot of ways for Danny and Amy to continue,” he said. “I have one really big general idea that I can’t really say yet, but I have three seasons mapped out in my head currently.”

Possibility of More “Beef” Seasons: The Creator’s Vision

Lee’s ideas for more “Beef” may have changed between now and then, but it would make some sense to keep Danny and Amy. Both Steven Yeun and Ali Wong won Emmys for their work on the show, so they could feasibly reach even greater heights if their characters’ arcs are allowed to continue. At that point, it wouldn’t be a limited or anthology series, but “The White Lotus” competed as a limited series at the Emmys initially before going into the drama categories for Season 2. “Beef” doing something similar wouldn’t be unheard of.


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