Consuming this before a workout could give you gas.


Consuming this before a workout could give you gas.

Although beans can be hard to digest, there are many other carbs that are easy to digest. Because they are energy-giving, carbohydrate is a great food to consume before you exercise. “When we eat [carbs], they break down into glucose, enter our muscle cells, and give us fuel to exercise at our maximum capacity,” Jessica Jones, MS, RD, CDE, told Self. Healthy carbs include toast, fruit and granola.

You can also get protein to fuel your workouts. This is especially true for those who lift weights and do strength training. You will experience small tears in your muscles when you do this type of exercise. To repair your muscles, your body requires protein. It is best to eat some protein before starting to exercise. However, be cautious about the types of protein that you consume. “Serious athletes and weekend warriors should avoid milk and milk-based foods; they contain lactose, [which is] the sugar found in milk,”Robert Zembroski MD is a functional medicine specialist via This is what you should eat, not that!. “For many people, lactose intolerance will cause bloating, gas, and often diarrhea from bacterial fermentation of lactose.”Choose easily digestible protein like peanut butter, deli meats and nuts.


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