Comedy Has a ‘Disastrous” Impact on Wokeness


John Cleese believes waking up has an effect on our ability to be awake. “disastrous” impact on comedy and creativity – and he didn’t shy from telling Fox News about it at last week’s FreedomFest in Las Vegas, in an interview that was published Wednesday.

“Once you start checking everything, it’s very hard to be very creative,”The comedian said. “If you’re worried about offending people and constantly thinking about that, you’re not going to be very creative.”

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Comedians are only able to create insincere comedy. “an atmosphere of freedom,”Cleese was the keynote speaker at the ConferenceThat “attracts people of all walks of life and across the political spectrum,”It is important to note that it can be a “difficult time,”Especially for younger comedians. He declared that comedians today have the freedom to be funny when he was asked: “No.”

However, Cleese doesn’t have to deal with as much criticism due to the older demographic of his audience. “My audience is much older and they’re simply not interested in most of the woke attitudes,”Cleese. “They just think that you should try to be kind to people.”

The pressure to be “woke”Cleese’s call prompts comedians into the “Cleese” category “safe areas,” including sex, a topic Cleese says comedians would have been canceled for in the ’60s but is fine today. “Human beings want to have some things that you mustn’t do and other things that are alright, and they just change every 25 years,”Cleese.

He also said that being creative and being critical are not compatible. “The moment that the critical mind comes in, you stop being creative,”Cleese: “You can do the creation and then criticize, but you can’t do them at the same time.”

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