Christmas without Deborah James, my courageous daughter, will be hard. I was moved to tears by her final wish.


Heather James has been saying goodbye to her daughter for nearly five months.

Every day, she is reminded of her eldest daughter, Dame Deborah James.

Deborah James, 40, captured the hearts of the nation in the weeks before she died of Stage 4 bowel cancer


Deborah James, 40 was a national treasure who captured the hearts and minds of the nation weeks before she succumbed to Stage 4 bowel carcinoma.Credit: Stewart Williams
Mum Heather with Deborah and Winston the dog in February


Mum Heather with Deborah, Winston the dog and Winston in FebruaryCredit to Instagram
Dame Debs getting into the Christmas spirit with daughter Eloise in 2020


Eloise, daughter of Dame Debs, and Dame Debs get in the Christmas spirit in 2020Credit to Instagram

The nation was captivated by the 40-year-old in the weeks that followed her death from Stage 4 bowel carcinoma on June 28.

Thanks to her efforts in raising awareness, in the past year 2.8million people were tested for the disease, data published last month shows — up almost a fifth from 2.32million in 2018/19.

And figures from the NHS last week showed record numbers of cancer cases are being caught early, with 56.7 per cent of cases — 100,461 out of 177,180 in a sample — found at stage one or two in 2021-22.

Heather, 65, says from her home in Woking, Surrey: “Lots of things just catch you unawares.

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“I was at the garden centre the other day with my husband Alistair and I spotted the Christmas baubles.

“Deborah loved Christmas so much, she loved buying the children new decorations, picking the tree, decorating it and playing Christmas songs.

“Last year, I remember we came to the same garden centre and she found a shoe decoration for her daughter Eloise.

“She came home with some huge Nutcracker ornaments too. I know I am going to find it really hard to see those this year.”

After learning that her cancer treatment had stopped working in May, Dame Debs returned to her parents’ home for her final months.

Deborah refused to quit despite being told she would die in days.

The ex-teacher, who was exhausted by the loss of her energy, continued to spread awareness about the deadly disease.

Debs raised a staggering £7.5million for her BowelBabe Fund, to pay towards cancer research in the hope others wouldn’t have to succumb to her fate.

She finished her second book, was honoured with a Damehood by Prince William — who popped over for tea — launched a charity fashion collection, had a rose named after her and inspired millions to check themselves for signs of cancer.

She was so successful that the NHS has paid tribute to her since her passing. “Dame Deborah James effect”This has enabled more people than ever to be screened for life-saving cancer.

Debs was only four days away from her death when she learned that one last project had been approved.

Supermarket giant Tesco had agreed to feature the symptoms of bowel cancer, along with Debs’ BowelBabe Fund logo, on packs of their toilet roll.

I was so proud to walk down the aisle to see one of Deborah’s last dreams come true. I wanted to hug all the packets as I looked at them on the shelves. I’ll never buy any other toilet rolls ever again.

Heather James

Deborah explained to her mother that it was a simple, but very effective change. “We all wipe our bums.”

Part of Deborah’s magic was in the way she made it OK to talk about poo, bums and bowels, topics so often seen as taboo.

Deborah spent five decades urging people to get involved in her Sun column, “Things Cancer Made Me Say”. “Check your poo”.

She knew all too well that when it comes to cancer — and bowel cancer in particular — early diagnosis really does save lives.

Knowing the symptoms is one of the best ways to diagnose early. Deborah set out to educate everyone who would listen.

Heather, Heather’s mother, stated that her daughter would be amazed by the impact she has made.

She admitted to being moved by the Tesco toilet roll shelves last week.

“It was very emotional,”She spoke to Central Recorder.

Last year she returned home with huge Nutcracker ornaments. It’s going to be really difficult for me to see these this year.

Heather James

“I was so proud to walk down the aisle to see one of Deborah’s last dreams come true.

“Seeing the packets on the shelves, I just wanted to hug them. I’ll never buy any other toilet rolls ever again.

“I don’t ever want to rip the packaging open, it is just so lovely to see what she has achieved there in purple and white, with the BowelBabe Fund logo on the front.”

Heather is also convinced that the Tesco UK CEO Jason Tarry agrees with Heather about their Luxury Soft Toilet Paper, which has more than a million sold per week.

He said: “We know that by making the symptoms available we can truly deliver this important and potentially life-saving information directly into the homes of our customers. We were privileged to work with Deborah and to continue working with the Bowelbabe Fund.”

Heather added: “What a legacy. It’s truly one of the greatest things she managed to do.

“Everyone buys toilet rolls and even if just one person notices a symptom and gets it checked out, it will be worth it.

“I have no doubt this will help save lives and that is something that will for ever make me proud.”

Some days are more difficult than others, I find. I sometimes just want to hide, but I can think. ‘What would Deborah do?’

Heather James

Heather and her family are bittersweet about this momentous occasion.

While Dame Debs knew it was going to happen, she didn’t live to see the packs roll off the production line.

Heather says: “Four days before she died she got the news that it was finally all fully agreed and it was actually going to happen.

“I am so pleased she lived long enough to know, it was such a relief for her but it breaks my heart that she never saw it.

“She knew it was a done deal, and she was so happy.

“It really meant so much to her and was one of the last things she managed to do.

“I remember her sitting in the garden and she just looked at me and said, ‘It’s done, we are going to see this on all toilet rolls’.

“I’ll never forget the smile on her face.”

And it’s not just Deborah’s infectious smile that Heather holds on to.

Along with Dame Debs’ husband Sebastien, the couple’s kids, Hugo, 15, and Eloise, 13, and the rest of the family, Heather is inspired by her daughter’s love of life.

“We all have our different ways of coping,”She said.

“But we all try to enjoy life, in the way that Deborah would have wanted.

“The children are both doing really well, they’re busy with school.

“I find some days are tougher than others.

“I often just want to hide away but I always think, ‘What would Deborah do?’

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“Even in her final weeks she lived life and she was an inspiration.

“It was one of her greatest gifts, and it’s one that she’s left us all.”


DAME Debs would be furious if we didn’t remind you of the symptoms to watch out for.

Talk to your GP if you see any of these signs.

  • You have a change in your normal bowel behavior, such as a looser stool, more frequent pooing or constipation.
  • Bleeding from the bottom or blood in your stool. Your poo can appear dark, bright or even darkened from blood.
  • Tummy pain, especially if it doesn’t go away, or a lump in your tummy.
  • Unexplained tiredness, or breathlessness
  • It’s possible to lose weight without really trying.
  • Visit this site for more information cancerresearchuk .orgOder
Proud mum Heather with the new Tesco toilet rolls


Proud mum Heather with the new Tesco toilet rollsCredit: Olivia West
Prince William presented Deborah with her Damehood in May, pictured with her family


Prince William presented Deborah in May with her Damehood. She is pictured here with her familyCredit: Graham Prentice


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