Child-killer Colin Pitchfork may be moved from bail hostel over vigilante murder fears


Sick child killer Colin Pitchfork could be moved from his bail hostel for his own safety after vigilantes named the location online, the Central Recorder Sunday can reveal.

In the days ahead, Pitchfork will be transferred from bail hostel to avoid being attacked by double murderer and serial rapist.

His exact location was kept secret.

It was released this week after he was seen in the area.

In response to posts naming his location, one revenge-seeker said: “He should be dead.”

Another added: “Should have been strung up, evil bastard.”

A source told the Central Recorder Sunday: “The authorities are aware of the comments and the situation is now being closely monitored.”

The double child killer has walked free from prison after bids to keep him behind bars for longer failed.
The double child killer has walked free from prison after bids to keep him behind bars for longer failed.

Pitchfork – who has changed his name – was released from jail earlier this month after 33 years behind bars.

He raped Lynda, 15, and killed Dawn Ashworth (also 15, in Narborough in Leics in 1983). Dawn Ashworth was also 15 in Enderby, in 1986. He is currently being held in a residential unit in south England with other offenders.

If he feels his safety is in danger, he may be transferred by probation and police chiefs.

Pitchfork is subject to 43 tough licence conditions – 36 more than the average freed convict – to protect the public.

He is under a night-time curfew on the premises and is also tested for drugs or alcohol.

A court sketch of the convicted killer at his parole hearing in June
A court sketch of the convicted killer at his parole hearing in June

Pitchfork’s conditions include electronic tagging and lie-detector tests, and he must provide details of any vehicle he owns.

Pitchfork is prohibited from going to the crime scene and must inform probation officers if he has any close relationships.

Pitchfork was the first to be convicted of murder using DNA. He was sentenced to life in 1988.


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