Britney Spears’ Lawyer sends a cease and desist letter to her sister Jamie Lynn, as she promotes her new book


Britney and Jamie Lynn are escalating their family drama.

Britney’s lawyer Mathew Rosengart just sent a cease and desist letter to Jamie Lynn as she continues to promote her new memoir, “Things I Should Have Said.”

Jamie Lynn must stop making derogatory references to Britney in her promotional campaigns, the letter states. Britney will be notified if Jamie Lynn continues to refer to Britney in derogatory ways during her promotional campaign. “be forced to consider and take all appropriate legal action.”

Jamie Lynn joined the podcast this week “Call Her Daddy.” The host read a disturbing excerpt from the new book.

“Britney said to me, ‘Baby I’m scared.’ And she took a large knife from the kitchen, pulled me along to my room and locked us both inside,”This is the extract.

Jamie Lynn responded, “That was really scary and hated that that happened, but also she must have been in pain, too. But I was a kid. I didn’t know what to do.”

The podcast and Jamie Lynn’s entire publicity tour is infuriating Britney, who posted an expletive-filled rant on social media.

“You selfish little brat! F*** you Jamie Lynn. You shut me out when I needed you the most!”Britney wrote.

Royal Oakes, a legal analyst, tells Inside Edition that a cease-and-desist letter such as the one sent Jamie Lynn is acceptable. “pretty much doomed to failure.”

“Either it’s just going to just generate more interest in the sister’s book. Or, if it winds up in court, Britney would lose, because you have to show malice. You have to show you absolutely knew you were lying and trying to hurt somebody’s reputation — almost impossible to do,” Oakes said.

Jamie Lynn, despite all the sibling drama and conflict, says that she loves her big brother and will always.

“I love my sister. I’m her biggest fan. But guess what, sisters are sisters, or whatever, you know,” Jamie Lynn said.

Britney Spears denied that the incident with the knife happened.

Her legal team accuses her father of taking $6 million from her earnings. He has not commented, but said in the past he has always acted in Britney’s best interest.


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