Blue Bloods Star Says Fans Always Wait For Donnie Wahlberg, So A Recent Fan Interaction Was A Nice Surprise


Blue Bloods Star Says Fans Always Wait For Donnie Wahlberg, So A Recent Fan Interaction Was A Nice Surprise

Blue Bloods It was a winnerCBS has been on air for 12 seasons, and although the cast has enjoyed a huge fanbase, it is impossible to forget that at most two of the characters had previously appeared on the show. A number of fans are seriousIt was long before the series started. Donnie Wahlberg, Tom Selleck, and Tom Selleck are what I am referring to. Will Estes, their co-star (who plays the youngest Reagan son, Jamie) is also in the movie. Blue BloodsCast), has noted that fans always wait for Wahlberg while they’re on set, so one recent fan interaction was a nice surprise for Estes.

One of the first draws was for Blue BloodsWhen the show premiered in 2010, viewers were aware that it was the return to series TV of former. Magnum P.Star Tom Selleck and actor Donnie Wahlberg, New Kids on the Block singer/actor, play his oldest son on the series. Will Estes spoke to Will Estes recently. LooperAbout his A long-lasting partnershipThey reflected on the fact that Wahlberg has so many fans and said:

They’ll show up at the crack of dawn in a crowd and wait half a day, a full day, just to see him and say hi. And Donnie is something that I’ve never seen before and experienced. He is completely open to people. It’s really incredible. I almost didn’t know you could do that before I saw Donnie do it. But, you know, he’ll go out and talk to people and he’s friends with them and he’s one of the most engaging people I’ve ever seen with his fans.

It’s not surprising, really. Wahlberg is well-known for being a celebrity for more than 30 years (much like Selleck). Knows how to treat fans it would be someone who’s lived with the phenomenon of fame for such a long time. Also, as mentioned earlier, Wahlberg’s fame is on a whole different level from a lot of people, seeing as he’s part of a majorly successful pop group, whom many of his fans probably became acquainted with while they were very young. A dedicated crowd of music lovers who love someone because their songs have helped them through their formative years is a very special bunch.

Wahlberg could hide in his trailer if he wasn’t filming. Blue Bloods, or to leave after a long day and not spend any time chatting with the folks who’ve taken the time to wait around and talk to him. Estes stated that he does find time to talk with people, which is probably one of the best things. Keeps his fans happyYou will be back for more.

While Wahlberg’s commitment to his devoted fans seems to inspire Estes, their unwavering desire to hang around the Blue BloodsSet to see him was also what led us to It’s quite amazing! recent encounter for Estes. He noted this during his interview:

My fan experience was great. It was 5:05 in the morning. All of us had just got to work. It was just before dawn, and everyone was exhausted. We had been up for a couple of early days. This woman was driving past and she rolled down the window and yelled at her. “Jamie Reagan, I love you, Blue Bloods!”We went on, “Yeah! That’s the way to start a day!”And it was as if, “Woo!”It was simply amazing. You know when you’re there at like 6 in the morning and everybody’s been up since 4:30 … They’re usually yelling for somebody else, so it was nice to get one. It was funny, though.

Awww! For once, it wasn’t Donnie Wahlberg who had a fan voice their wholehearted praise, but Will Estes. It sounds like it helped everyone get started on another day, and Estes especially was grateful for the public shoutout.

You can keep up to Will Estes and Donnie Wahlberg as well as the rest of Reagan’s clan when you are online Blue BloodsContinues Season 12 on CBS Fridays at 10 PM EST. Check out our guide to the best shows to watch now. 2021 fall TV schedule!


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