Backstreet Boys Have A+ Reaction After Learning Machine Gun Kelly Threw Up At One Of Their Shows


Backstreet Boys Have A+ Reaction After Learning Machine Gun Kelly Threw Up At One Of Their Shows

Going to concerts can be overwhelming for anyone. The crowds, the audiovisual experience, the seating, and the screams can yield varying results. Going to a Backstreet Boys concert was quite a mixed experience for Machine Gun Kelly. As a concertgoer, he witnessed the greatness of the legendary boyband during their Millennium Tour. Unfortunately, however, the fans’ fervor for the group was too much for the rapper-turned-rocker, as he threw up as a result of the palpable excitement. After hearing about MGK’s somewhat icky concert experience, the iconic boyband had the best reaction.

The musician’s concert story, taking place during the group’s peak within pop culture, was first shared with Kelly Clarkson and proved the power of Backstreet’s fandom knows no bounds (as also evidenced by Jeremy Renner’s first headshot). the BSB members became aware of the story while being interviewed on The Kelly Clarkson Show. Hearing high-pitch screams from lovelorn teenagers is nothing new for the pop group as they hit the stage during each concert, and Backstreet Boys member AJ McLean had the perfect response to MGK’s story, saying:

Fortunately, we hadn’t started singing yet. So that’s wasn’t why he threw up, so that’s a good thing. That’s a good thing.

At least the BSB member saw the positive aspect of the actor’s reaction, and was able to appreciate the separation between Machine Gun Kelly tossing his cookies and the group’s music itself. Plus, everyone knows Backstreet Boys remain one of the best vocal groups to emerge from the 1990s teen pop explosion. And so of course MGK ended up staying for the concert despite his body’s volatile reaction.

But hearing screaming teenagers (who are now grown women and men) became second nature to the boy band, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Even, I guess, if it means making certain people in the audience naseous. McLean was honest about the love and energy their fanbase exudes.

It’s a different kind of energy, and we thrive on that energy, you know?

The group seemed to live for those moments especially after making music and touring for three decades, and Machine Gun Kelly has been touring enough himself over the years that he probably has a better response to thousands of screaming fanatics surrounding him. But along with many other artists during the COVID era, Backstreet Boys had to postpone their current world tour for two years, which was detrimental to both the members and their fans. In particular, Nick Carter spoke on how much they missed those reactions.

We missed that. It’s been two years since we’ve performed … And honestly, I feel like now, especially with the way everything is in the world, entertainment is so needed right now. Like, our job is so important to get people’s minds off of the stuff out there, you know?

Making viewers’ days better after a hard two years is the ultimate sign of respect and love between the legendary group and their fanbase. While their children enjoyed them being home, their wives were ready for them to do what they love. So, it’s a win-win for all. Now we wait and see if they drop an invite to MGK to join as an opening act.

Moments like this are a regular thing for The Kelly Clarkson Show, which airs in syndication. To see what else is happening on television, you can look over new and returning TV shows.


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