As Mr Motivator’s granddaughter succumbs to meningitis


MENINGITIS refers to inflammation of the brain’s lining and is usually caused due to infection.

Fitness guru Mr Motivator announced today that his granddaughter, after a five day battle against the disease, has died.

Meningitis can affect anyone, but is most common in babies, young children, teenagers and young adults


Meningitis can affect anyone, but is most common in babies, young children, teenagers and young adultsCredit: Getty – Contributor
Mr Motivator revealed the tragic news that his granddaughter, Hadassah died of meningitis


Mr Motivator announced the terrible news that Hadassah, Hadassah’s granddaughter, died from meningitis.

Hadassah (12 years old) died from an infection that is most common in infants and children.

If it is not treated quickly, meningitis can cause life-threatening septicaemia (blood poisoning) and results in permanent damage to the brain or nerves.

These two types of disease are treated differently.

A total of 3,200 people are affected by bacterial meningitis every year. One in 10 people dies, and many others are left with life-altering disabilities.

Meningitis can be passed to others by people who have the virus/bacterial form in their throats or nose, but not from themselves.

Meningitis symptoms may appear suddenly. It is important to know what signs to watch out for.

The NHS states that the eight symptoms of meningitis may present in any order.

  1. Fever is characterized by a high fever.
  2. being sick
  3. a headache
  4. a rash that does not fade when a glass is rolled over it (but a rash will not always develop)
  5. a stiff neck
  6. a dislike of bright lights
  7. Drowsiness and unresponsiveness
  8. seizures (fits)

You or someone you love is suffering from any of these symptoms, it’s crucial that you seek medical attention immediately.

Different symptoms may be experienced by different babies. In most cases, babies who develop meningitis quickly are more likely than those with milder symptoms.

Your baby might have breathing problems or be experiencing rapid breathing if it has meningitis.

They might also experience extreme shivering, diarrhoea, grunting sounds, vomiting, irritable, pain and cold hands and feet.

There are two types of meningitis: bacterial and viral.

Bacterial meningitis, which is more dangerous, needs to be treated in hospital for at least a week.

Patients will be given fluids, antibiotics, and oxygen.

It is important to treat it quickly. Patients can suffer long-term issues such as blindness and deafness, loss or limbs due to sepsis and memory problems.

Ten percent of cases end in death.

Viral infections are usually less serious and resolve quickly with rest and painkillers. However, you should seek medical advice before taking any further action.

24-year-old woman had her legs and arms amputated following horror meningitis. She uses a robotic prosthetic.

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