As a dog expert, I know why your pet may have’velcro’ behavior. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are loving you or the other breed.


DOGS are beloved by their owners for the friendship and companionship they share.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers breeds are known for their loyalty, but they can also be too stubborn.

A pet owner has revealed the meaning behind 'velcro behavior'


The meaning of “velcro behavior” has been revealed by a pet ownerCredit: TikTok
The influencer revealed that staffies like to be with their owners


According to the influencer, staff like being with their ownersCredit: Getty

The following are some examples Australian The @dogtrainer is a dog trainer.DogSense on TikTok, has warned that clinginess is a sign of “velcro behavior.”

According to the TikToker, if a dog exhibits “velcro behavior,” it could be timid.

She warned that it doesn’t mean they are showing signs of affection.

The trainer explained: “It means a dog is low in confidence and needs their owner because they don’t have good coping skills.”

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She added that timid pets view their owner as a “security blanket,” explaining that they do not want to be separated.

A trainer offered advice to owners of pets with “velcro” dogs.

Owners can encourage their animals to learn independence gradually, she advised.

Trainers also suggested that dogs may benefit from being fed in a box and receiving less affection.

She stated that Staffies, unlike huskies who are closer to their owners than huskies, prefer being with their owner.

Pugs and chihuahuas are also the most clingy dog breeds. Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are some other examples. Holiday Barn

New York City vet Dr. Rachel Barrack has revealed the reason why some dogs are clingy.

Then she told The American Kennel Club “Young puppies (anywhere from birth to six months of age) can often imprint on their owner and look to them as their mother.”

Barrack revealed, too that your dog may be happier if you leave treats in the bed.

She said that dogs who have too much energy can become restless and may follow their owners.

Barrack said also that dogs should be house trained and supervised by their owners.

Adam Spivey, a seasoned trainer has shared his tips on how to turn your dog into the perfect road buddy.

Parents can get tips from another pet expert about the best breeds for them.

The dog trainer said that huskies are 'aloof'


Dog trainer stated that Huskies were ‘aloof.Credit: Getty


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