Amanda Kloots regrets how she left Nick Cordero, her late husband at the Hospital three years ago


Amanda Kloots regrets how she left Nick Cordero, her late husband at the Hospital three years ago

Amanda Kloots spoke out to discuss the passing of Nick Cordero, her actor husband. She also shared how it hurt that she had left him three years ago at the hospital. Thursday The Talk A photo was shared by cohost Cordero and their three-year-old boy, Elvis. Kloots captioned the photo, writing, “Three Years ago today, Nick was taken to Cedars Sinai’s emergency room.” Because it was the day my husband died, March 30, 2020 will be ingrained in my memory forever.

She said, “There are certain days in my life that I wish I could return in time to, and this is one. I would give him my biggest hug if possible. If I could I’d hug him tighter and tell him how much I love him. Kloots said, “I was so foolish that morning, so naive believing I’d pick up him in just two hours.” It’s been a learning experience for me to accept different kinds of goodbyes. It’s important to tell others you love them. It’s not easy to live a fragile life and be invincible. She concluded with her message: “Live and Love to the Fullest.”

Cordero, who had been hospitalized for Covid-19 only four months before his death, passed away on July 2020. Kloots released a statement regarding his passing. He wrote on Instagram: “God now has an angel in heaven.” This morning, my darling husband died. As he left the earth, he was enveloped in his love and was comforted by his loved ones.

Her words were complete with the following: “I’m in disbelief, and I feel hurt everywhere.” It breaks my heart that I can’t imagine our lives apart. Nick was an amazing light. Nick was everyone’s friend. He loved to talk, listen and help others. His talents as an actor and musician were unmatched. He loved his wife and children and was an amazing actor and musician. Elvis and I will both miss him at all we do everyday.

Kloots thanked Codero’s first physician by writing: “To Nicks exceptional doctor, Dr. David Ng. You were my positive doctor!” You are rare. I found you to be kind, caring, knowledgeable, confident, and willing to hear my ideas. Your are a gem in the rough.

Her statement concluded with “I can’t begin to thank everybody enough for all the love, support, and help that we have received over these 95 days.” I cannot express how happy you made me feel at 3pm every day as Nicks sang. « Live Your Life. Today, we held his hand and sang it together. The last line was the one I sang to him. “They will give you hell, but don’t they lighten them kill your light? Not without a fight.” He was a fighter, so live your life. You will always be my sweetheart and I’ll love you for all eternity.”


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