Alex Jones’ Lawyers Forwarded Phone Contents To Plaintiffs’ Teams


Alex Jones, founder of Infowars, managed to create a scenario which is making conspiracists out all of us.

Jones’ lawyers sent a digital copy of the conspiracy theorist’s phone to the Sandy Hook families’ legal team, presumably by mistake, the prosecution revealed Wednesday at the damages hearing that will determine how much Jones will pay for his claims the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, shooting was a hoax.

“Mr. Jones, did you know that 12 days ago… your attorneys messed up and sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone with every text message you’ve sent for the past two years,”Jones replied, “this is your Perry Mason moment.”

Alex Jones Defies No-Gum-Chewing Order in Sandy Hook Trial (Video)

According to the Sandy Hook families’ legal team, upon learning of their mistake, Jones’ attorneys did not take any action to protect the contents of Jones’ phone or identify it as privileged.

“That is how I know you lied to me when you said you didn’t have text messages about Sandy Hook,” the families’ attorney said, noting that the two-years worth of information on the phone prove that Jones lied under oath about sending messages about the massacre.

Jones testified Wednesday morning. admittedHe now believes that Sandy Hook was actually a shooting. “100% real” following the emotional testimony of the massacre’s victims’ parents, who Claim that Jones’ actions made their lives a “living hell.”

Since the breaking of the news, Rolling Stone reported that the Jan. 6 House committee is preparing to request Jones’ emails and texts to aid its investigation of the Capitol riot.

Following Jones’ testimony, closing arguments are set to begin later Wednesday before a jury decides the damages Jones will be compelled to pay parents of the Sandy Hook victims. Jones had offered $120,000 per plaintiff in settlement of the case. However, the families seek damages totalling $150 million.

Jones was a resident of Jones, New Jersey in November 2021.Find itliable for damages after families from 10 children killed in the school shooting filed four lawsuits against Jones and his media company Free Speech Systems, the parent company of Infowars, citing defamation and infliction of emotional distress. The families of the Sandy Hook victims maintained they faced harassment and death threats from Jones’ followers following the host’s spreading of various conspiracy theories about the event.


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