Alec Baldwin Responds After Rob Schneider Shares Moment He Felt SNL Was ‘Over


Alec Baldwin Responds After Rob Schneider Shares Moment He Felt SNL Was 'Over

This week, Rob Schneider believes that SNL is the best. “over,”He explained the moment he believed it occurred. He used the sketch in which Kate McKinnon sings at a piano. “Hallelujah”After Donald Trump lost the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton was impersonated by Alec Baldwin. Alec Baldwin, who impersonated former President. SNL Over the six-year period, these comments were responded to.

McKinnon spoke about the “Hallelujah”Sketch before and noted that it made her feel more connected to the audience. The sketch has received 12.9M views on YouTube and has had an impact upon viewers. Along with his comments about McKinnon, Schneider commented on Baldwin’s impression saying he had “nothing but a fuming, seething anger toward” Trump. The 30 Rock Actor responded to these comments on his Instagram saying:

I guess it must be an incredibly slow news cycle if we’re talking about Rob Schneider’s thoughts about Kate McKinnon playing Hillary Clinton you know so many years ago. That was in 2016, during the campaign. He was elected in November. I hosted the show for the next four years. It was very good the first year, but it was not as great the second year, third year, and fourth year.

After Trump won the election in 2016, Baldwin’s impression became a mainstay on SNL Throughout his tenure as president. As his term progressedBaldwin came up slightly less,However, he replied that if asked, he would. Come back to play Trump, he most likely would. The actor appeared again as Trump during the 2020 election cycle, the “First Debate Cold Open” featured Baldwin’s Trump and Jim Carrey as Joe Biden.

Baldwin shared his thoughts on Schneider’s views. SNL being over and what he thinks of a former cast member saying such things.

I just want to say one thing which is, you know, I’m from the school, having been in this business for a while, where you criticize someone’s judgment and you leave out the idea where you had no problem with their judgment, you had no problem with their judgment when they hired you. They hired you because of their judgment. And of course, Rob Schneider had a great mind, he’s funny, Rob’s very, very funny.

Schneider was then complimented by the actor, before continuing to talk about his views on pundits and political commentators.

Alec Baldwin has not made an appearance on SNL Since 2020. Now, one of the show’s new cast members James Austin Johnson has taken over the It made an impression and fans had strong reactions.

The newcomer is in SNL’s The 48th season will be joined by Bowen Yang, Kenan Thomson and other fan favorites. Many of the cast members are leaving. The end of Season 47 saw the final. Pete Davidson and Kate McKinnon are leavingAdded to the list were other cast members. It was also recently announced. Melissa Villaseñor, Alex Moffat and Aristotle Athari are exiting They would not appear on the show.

The Television schedule for fall This shows that there isn’t yet a premiere date. It will be interesting to see what happens with the new season after all these exits.


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