A simple trick to lose calories at work

MILLIONS of jobs demand that we sit all day, with little time to exercise.

You can burn calories by making small changes to your daily routine. And you might even lose weight.

Burn calories as you work with this simple hack


This easy hack can help you to burn calories while you workCredit to Alamy

Research shows that the average working age adult in England is sedentary for 9.5 hours per day.

As people age, the amount of time they spend sedentary increases. By age 75, it is about 11 hours daily.

Dr Michael Mosley is a BBC Radio 4 science journalist who was formerly a medical doctor. He explained why this was so bad for health in his podcast. One Thing.

He stated: “In the UK many of us spend 10 hours a day or more on our backsides, and sadly that’s linked to some pretty nasty health outcomes, including an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and death from all causes.”

Studies have shown that people who sit longer have higher rates of heart attack and age faster.

And sadly, your sporadic gym sessions won’t be doing much to reverse the harms.

Dr Mosley claimed that research shows “you can’t undo the damage of sitting for long periods”If you don’t exercise for at least 40 minutes each day, it is not worth your time.

In fact, sitting all day “decreases the benefits of exercise”He said,

What can you do to change this?

How to run 10 marathons in a year

Dr Michael stated in his podcast: “I’m going to do something that could really have a long-term effect on my health, by lower my blood sugars, and burning a surprising number of calories.

“It’s as simple as that, I’m standing up. That’s it. I’m not about to go for a walk with the dog or do my beloved squats. I’m just standing here.”

“Getting out of your chair, and spending more time on your feet, is a simple and easy way to boost your health.”

Dr Michael claimed that research showed that standing for 3 hours per day was equivalent to walking hundreds of kilometers per year.

You could burn the equivalent of 10 marathons in one calendar year by standing for only a third of the time, he said.

It could also increase metabolism, improve bone health, and remove excess sugar faster.

Dr Michael stated that he was involved in a study where office workers were asked to stand for three extra hours per day for a week.

“We found that simply standing up raised their heart rates so much so, that one of the researchers calculated that if you added it up over a year, you would burn the same calories as if you ran about 10 marathons.”

Standing burns between 100 and 200 calories an hour depending on the body type.

Even though your body isn’t moving, your muscles work hard to keep you active. Increased muscle mass can help you burn more calories.

American experts conducted a review of the research and discovered that those who stood for six hours a day instead of sitting burned 54 more calories than their counterparts.

This may seem like a small amount, but it can add up over the course a year to be 5.5 lbs less.

Add in extra tweaks here and there – such as always taking the stairs and making time for a walk at lunch time – and you’re well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

You might find it difficult to stand for hours on end. It is possible to do so in 15-minute increments.

It might be a challenge to yourself to stand every time you answer a phone call or videocall, to do walking meetings or to set a timer that requires you to walk around your house or office every 30 minutes.

You can make small changes to help you lose weight

More sleep

Researchers discovered that people who sleep between seven and nine hours a night have less hunger pangs.

Dr Wendy Hall from Kings College London is a nutrition expert. “If people are less tired, they may be less inclined to choose sweet, energy dense foods. They also have less opportunity for late-night snacking.”

Get more fiber

You don’t have to overhaul your diet to lose weight. You can make a huge difference by eating more fibre, such as fruits and vegetables, rye and pulses, brown rice, and lentils.

The NHS says: “There is strong evidence that eating plenty of fibre (commonly referred to as roughage) is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.

“Choosing foods with fibre also makes us feel fuller, while a diet rich in fibre can help digestion and prevent constipation.”


Even though cleaning up after yourself can be tiring, it is a good incentive to get organized. Simple household chores can result in a significant amount of calories.

Cleaning, hoovering and tidying are all physical work and require you to be constantly on the move – similar to if you were working out. This means it’s a really effective and easy way to burn calories.

Terri-Ann Nunns estimates that an hour spent dusting, hoovering, or ironing can burn 166 kcals. 175 kcals is the equivalent of an hour. 157 kcals is the equivalent of an hour ironing, according to Terri Ann Nunns. Terri-Ann is also the co-founder of Happy Healthy Mum Plan.

Switch your eating window

We’ve all heard of intermittent fasting. The most well-known version of intermittent fasting is the 16-8 diet. This is where you eat only within eight hours while fasting for 16.

Studies suggest that fasting doesn’t necessarily help you lose more weight. But it might be simpler than reducing the amount of food you eat and easier to follow.

One review published in the Annual Review of Nutrition, which analysed 25 studies, found people who used fasting diets didn’t lose more weight over an eight week period compared to those who just restricted their calories.

But, they maintained their seven percent weight loss for a full year.

Reduce stress

You could be doing all the right things in your diet, but if you’re stressed, it could be all for nothing, according to Pippa CampbellJersey-based nutritionist,

She spoke to Central Recorder “Two big things I look for with new clients that suffer with belly fat are cortisol and insulin.”

Cortisol, which is released in stressful situations, has been shown to increase overeating and appetite, particularly for sugary and calorie dense foods. “comfort foods”.

Elevated cortisol can lead to insulin resistance over time. This can cause fat storage.

This one-minute exercise will improve your sex life, and make you and your partner happy.

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