Robbie Williams has lost four stones and looks even slimmer in this video behind the scenes.


ROBBIE WILLIAMS’ rapid weight-loss of 4 stone has caused concern among his fans.

As he was about to enter the stage, the Angels’ singer had a serious look on his face as he spun slowly in a glittery jacket and loose-fitting trousers.

While Robbie looked fabulous in his glittery jacket, some fans were concerned


Some fans expressed concern about Robbie’s glittery jacket.

The singer loves his silvery hair, and currently rocks a mullet.

Ayda’s Field shared the video on her Instagram account, adding the caption “How Robbie prepares for a show”.

One fan wrote: “Looks way to thin, you can be healthy and still go too far.” (SIC)

Robbie, you look so tiny,” said another.

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Thirdly, a shock emoji was used to add “If the wife of this man can’t be there.”

Some people thought it was inappropriate to make comments about his appearance.

The writer wrote, “The same people that said he was fat would also have been the people who complained about his weight.” Why are people comfortable commenting on the weight of someone else on their pictures?”

The second person agreed with the first: “Shut it up! He may look too thin for us but, have you thought about his back problems? At his age, could he still do a lot of touring maybe?”

Robbie told how, in April last year he had lost 4 stone by quitting smoking.

Speaking of his new wellness venture, he told Central Recorder at the time: “Sometimes now, though, Ayda will turn to me on the sofa and say, ‘We should do sex,’ and I’m sitting there eating a tangerine and just sort of shrug.”

Robbie is also an illustrator in his own rights, and shares illustrations that he creates on his computer.

Many have strong or provocative messages.

Recent ones showed two stick figure figures in a discussion with the phrase: “My perfect goal weight would be people worrying about me.”

The first person says, “It has gone too far” while the second smiles and replies: “Aww, bless You.”

He wrote in the caption: “So, if a genie showed up and told you that you could either fly with your superpower or eat whatever you like and stay at your target weight?

I would eat Goal Weight Eating every day. What about you?

I could write an entire book on self-loathing about my body. “The ugliness” of being ugly is like pure self-hatred.

“I am body dysmorphic, and sometimes I’m 40 pounds overweight.

“So you can imagine what my mind see’s .Or maybe you can’t either way its a f****** disaster .

“At the moment i’m skinny ..But me being me my mind is going ‘F****** great Rob , you managed to get skinny and now your old, congrats, golf clap’.” (SIC)

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He told me that he had been fighting this battle his entire life.

A singer said that the song was meant to be shared in hopes that others might feel less isolated.

He said in a recent post that he was 'skinny' at the moment, but doesn't feel comfortable in his own body


In a post, he said that although he is’skinny at the moment’, he doesn’t like his body.Credit: Getty
Robbie has spoken openly about his weight battles over the years


Robbie’s openness about weight struggles over the yearsCredit: PA


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