There is no need for King Charles to be obsessed with Prince Harry and Meghan.


King Charles Has No Reason To Obsess Over Prince Harry and Meghan MarkleEven if he has to ignore Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, it seems that King Charles does a good job at tuning out the negatives in his current life. In fact, there’s a new report that suggests the King of England is not “obsessing” over the Sussexes and certainly doesn’t seem to be thinking of them as much as the British media still do. Continue reading to learn everything that you need.

There is no need for King Charles to be obsessed with Prince Harry and Meghan.

Page Six reported that royal expert Gyles brandreth stated King Charles is more concerned with other things than Harry and Meghan. He put it this way, “I don’t think they [Charles and Queen Camilla] We are obsessed with the same thing. They are just getting on with it.”

Gyles also said that King Charles has so far managed to impress both royalists and non-royalists during the first six months that he’s been on the job. In response to a question about Charles’ first try at the game. speech as king last September, Gyles said, “He settled it. William would be Prince of Wales, he announced. He made it clear that William was going to be the Prince of Wales. So, you know, in this country, I think we’ve accepted. Well, that’s what they’re doing. …. We’re just getting on with it.”

What’s Next For The Royal Family?

As many royal fans know by now, Prince Harry is confirmed to attend King Charles’ coronation next month while Meghan Markle will be sitting this one out. Earlier in the month, a spokesperson for the Sussexes released a statement that said, “Buckingham Palace is pleased to confirm that the Duke of Sussex will attend the coronation service at Westminster Abbey on May 6. The Duchess of Sussex will remain in California with Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.”

So far, the King hasn’t made any comment about this issue.

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Heide Pinkall,


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