What are the Best Tips on How to annotate with Tabs?

Book Tabs on TikTok

You’re lucky if you have ever watched a TikTok that had tabbed books, but did not know how to create your own. This is how you can annotate your book using tabs.

Annotation is a great tool for book lovers, whether you have to use it to mark up a passage in class or to highlight a particular line. While there is no one right way to mark up a book, some people prefer to use highlighters or make notes on the margins. Others prefer to add tabs in different colors to track their ideas.

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BookTok has been around for a while now, and you may have noticed that it’s “tabbingThe app “” has been extremely popular. We’ve compiled our top tips on how to use tabs in a book.

Users on TikTok explaining how they annotate their books with tabs.

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Find out how you can annotate a book using tabs.

There is no single correct way to tab books. The tabs of some readers are very special to them. However, ultimately the purpose of tabbing should be to make you read more. You can mark tabs to emphasize romance, foreshadowing or your favorite quotes. The most important thing is that you make the tab meaningful for you as a reader.

Code your tabs.

Your tab annotations will be most successful if you create a code. The following are some of the ways to get in touch with us. Know what each tab means! Color-coding your tabs can include pink for romantic or funny moments; orange for the things you dislike, or yellow or green to make it more humorous. Blue for sad moments and purple or blue for important questions. Colleen hoover’s novel, Colleen Undercover by user @mina.undercovera. We are the End of It.

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The tabs on your book cover can be colored.

TikTok users such as @nareenreads elevate their annotations using color-coding to match their books, just like she does. The Dragon Republic R.F. Kuang! It is not necessary, but it looks good when all the colors match. To remember each color later, you need to create a code.

Tabs can be used to highlight important scenes or quotes.

User @bumblebeezus can tell you that sometimes, the best way of keeping track of the plot and the discussions a book has is by tabulating the most shocking scenes or quotes. She uses Six of Crows Leigh Bardugo demonstrates how damaging a bad book can be (and we are here to prove it). Distractify, (We must all agree)

Tabs are a great way to keep track of the world-building process.

Twitter user @edenreidreads shows how to use tabs. In contemporary novels or romances, “mostly it’s really good one lines” are her tabs. For books that have a lot of world building, however, “one-liners” are the best. [color] It’s just one-liners, predictions and important names.


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