Pilot – Here’s the procedure for emptying plane toilets. It’s a common job among ground crew.


A PILOT reveals the secret of how a plane’s toilets were emptied. This is why it was so popular with ground crew.

This revelation was made after a Canadian pilot published his autobiography about what he saw from the cockpit.

A veteran pilot has revealed how a plane toilets are emptied


An experienced pilot has shared the secrets of emptying a plane’s toiletsCredit: Getty

You must read the book “This is Your Captain Speaking” which explores many myths about cities that flyers create.

But, the topic of how to dispose of your waste is one that’s always been a hot button issue in airplanes.

Doug Morris, author and veteran Air Canada Dreamliner captain, has now revealed where the faeces goes.

According to the pilot, lavatories in planes could be serviced at airports.

It was also rearranged to hold tanks behind the aircraft.

He stated that there was an access panel at the rear of the aircraft to let the holding tanks drain human waste.

Morris revealed that the job of disposing the waste is highly sought-after.

He said, “If they [ground crew] It is the only obligation of their employees to do so.

They drive between airplane rear and airplane rear, with extended breaks.

These “lavologists” wear special biohazard masks and suits.

“And the sewage needs to be ‘dumped” at an approved biohazard location at the airport.”

Later, the Captain claimed that “very important” was toilet servicing in flight operations.

He explained that “if a toilet is considered unserviceable it could not be an problem.”

However, it is important to consult charts in order determine whether the operation will be affected.

The number and length of the flight, as well as passengers will determine how many lavatories are needed.

“Having washrooms go unserviceable on a long-haul flight could mean a diversion… yes, it’s that serious.”

Morris stated that he saw some remarkable sights during his flight. The cabin camera allowed the crew to see the forward washroom on certain aircrafts.

He stated, “First of all, most passengers spend several seconds trying to figure out how the doors work.

Back in those days, opening a phone box was a similar process… you just need to push.

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“Then you have people who venture to the toilet in their naked feet or with no socks.

“The liquid that is on the ground may not actually be water. Think turbulence or poor aim.”


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