The’screams from the Sun should be heard by everyone, if it isn’t for some lucky phenomena we don’t know about.


RESPONDERS have discovered just how loud and powerful the Sun’s sounds are.

Stanford University solar physicists have calculated the solar surface noise for the Sun.

Researchers have revealed just how loud the sounds of the Sun really are


Scientists have discovered how loud the Sun’s sounds really are.Credit: Getty

If its soundwaves travel through space, they would reach Earth in approximately 100dB. American Academy of Audiology.

It is tens to thousands of watts per meter of Sunlight.

This is what causes it?

The Sun’s surface is constantly flooded with rising heat material, and the Sun sinks to its center.

In turn, this creates sounds estimated to be “10x to the 100x the power flux through speakers at a rock concert.”

Astronomers could figure out this by recording the Sun’s acoustical pressure waves.

These recordings were made by carefully following movements of the Sun’s surface.

An instrument known as a Michelson Doppler Imager was used to study the results.

MDI currently resides on the SOHO satellite, which orbits the Sun approximately 1,000,000 miles distant from Earth.

It travels in what way?

Astronomers observed that in two hours, the Sun’s acoustical wave bounces from one side to the other of the giant gas.

The Sun’s surface oscillation can be used to help scientists discover more about its inner workings.

Are they possible to hear?

Researchers have discovered that the frequencies of sound waves from Central Recorder are too low to be heard by human ears.

Scientists have accelerated the waves by 42,000 times so that we now can hear them.

This result is the product of 40 days’ worth of sound compression.

It’s even more amazing that if the Sun were to die and we could hear its death, we would listen to it for almost 14 years, thanks to the speed at which sound travels.


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