3 Easy Ways To Overcome Arthritis Pain & Have A Healthy Lifestyle


In America, arthritis, or joint pain, is the leading cause of disability, affecting 50 million adults and 300,000 children. Joint symptoms that are common in arthritis patients include swelling, stiffness, and mobility problems.

Experts agree that exercise can help with chronic arthritis pain. It may seem counterintuitive, but exercise can help to reduce arthritis symptoms. To help combat arthritis pain, we’ve compiled a list of the best joint-friendly exercises that you can start today.

Although movement might seem counter-productive when you’re in pain, it is essential to help treat arthritis. Moving too much can cause stiffness and more pain. Consequently, when you don’t exercise, you weaken your supporting muscles, which puts more strain on your joints.

3 Easy Ways To Overcome Arthritis Pain & Have A Healthy Lifestyle

Exercise can help reduce arthritis symptoms. Low-impact exercise can help increase strength, flexibility, and overall health. Additionally, exercise can alleviate fatigue, improve function, and boost mood.

Keep it simple. Low-impact exercises don’t have to be overwhelming. Being joint-friendly, they put less stress on the body, so they’re best suited for people with arthritis. Let’s check out the best joint-friendly exercises to help alleviate arthritis pain:

1. Low-Impact Aerobic Exercises

The benefits of aerobic exercise are extensive, especially in terms of cardiovascular health. Aerobic exercise can also be beneficial if you are trying to lose weight and reduce joint pain.

You can reduce the stress on your joints by doing low-impact aerobic activities such as walking, cycling, swimming (water aerobics), and using an exercise bike or elliptical.

You can also take up spinning classes or go for a run on the treadmill if you’re not an outdoorsy person. These activities are great for getting your heart rate up without too much strain on your joints.

2. Muscle-Strengthening Exercises

Inactivity weakens your supporting muscles, increasing joint stress. Muscle-strengthening activities, such as weight training or resistance band work, can help you maintain or build muscle.

3. Flexibility And Range-Of-Motion Exercises

Joint stiffness is a common complaint among arthritis patients. It can make daily activities difficult and painful.

Regular flexibility training and range-of-motion exercises like yoga and stretching can help reduce stiffness. Stretching can include rolling your shoulders back and forward and raising your arms above your head.

For arthritis treatment, any movement that is gentle and low-impact is better than none. Start slow and observe how your body reacts to the new exercise program. You should also consult your doctor about creating an exercise program that suits your specific arthritis symptoms.