You should never ignore these six signs of stress


Everybody feels stressed from now on.

If you don’t manage stress levels properly, your body will start to feel the strain and may even show red flags.

Being stressed out can not only impact you mood but can also show up in physical symptoms, experts say


Experts agree that stress can have a negative impact on your mood, and even cause physical symptoms.Credit: Getty

If you are looking for ways to relax, there are some areas of your body where stress can manifest.

It’s important that you notice whether your anxiety is affecting your skin and your sleep.

Dr Stephanie Ooi, a GP at London’s leadingMyHealthcare Clinic, says it’s important people know the signs and get help – not just for emotional wellbeing but for physical health, too.

Dr Ooi said: “Firstly, stress is not always negative. It’s actually a very useful emotion for the body.

“During periods of stress our bodies experience the ‘fight or flight’ response. This causes hormones, including adrenaline, to be released which helps us respond to danger or threats.

“Imagine a scenario where you step off a kerb and a car comes towards you. You might feel your body jump back or forward, and your heart rate might increase. Your hands may shake, your hands might shake, and your sweat might begin to rise. The stress response is necessary to protect us.

“But stress is now a part of our everyday lives and problems can begin when we experience stress symptoms for prolonged periods of time, when it’s neither necessary nor helpful.”

Here are experts who have shared what to look for and why they can help you determine if your stress levels are too high.

1. Bad skin

Are you having a bad breakout? Stress could be a factor.

Stress has been associated for many years with common skin conditions. It can either be the cause or aggravator.

Hannah Braye, nutritionist and therapist explained previously: “Stress hormones like cortisol are thought trigger the release inflammatory compounds skin cells.

“This contributes to conditions such as psoriasis, atopic eczema, alopecia, rosacea and acne, which can effect confidence and be a source of further stress in themselves.”

2. Fatigue

Dr Ooi stated that stress can cause exhaustion, not only for the mind but also the body.

“Stress affects people in different ways but short-term symptoms can include irritability and fatigue and you might have less desire to get up and do things”.

3. Weight gain

Some people feel stressed and cannot eat. Others can find comfort in eating.

Dr Ooi explains: “Stress can also change appetite and people may find they start eating too much or too little.

“Being underweight or overweight can contribute to other health complications.”

LloydsPharmacy research also found that stress is the main reason for overweight people’s weight gain. 2/3 of those who feel stressed eat more.

4. Stomach problems

The vagus nerve is the link between our brain and our digestive system. This means that if we are stressed in the brain, it will manifest in the stomach (and vice versa).

It’s no surprise that stress is one of the biggest triggers for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Hannah says.

“Stress can disrupt the balance of bacteria in our guts. This can lead to a reduction in beneficial strains and an increase in the risk of pathogenic overgrowth.

“Taking a good quality live bacteria supplement such asBio-KultAdvanced Multi-Strain Formula, with 14 different strains, can help replenish depleted beneficial gut flora keeping the microbiome in balance and potentially helping with a diverse range of stress related gastrointestinal disorders.”

5. Insomnia

Although you may feel tired all day, some people find it difficult to fall asleep when they finally reach the pillow.

Hannah said that getting a second wind of energy just as you are going to bed is a classic sign that our adrenal glands (which control are stress response) are struggling.

She stated that stress hormones can lead to hyperarousal which can disrupt the balance between sleep quality and wakefulness.

“This creates a vicious cycle, as stressful situations are much more difficult to cope with when you are tired, leading to further stress.”

6. Niemand immunity

Cortisol, which is our stress hormone, suppresses immunity cells. As a result, we are more vulnerable to infection when we are stressed.

Hannah says that modern life can cause stress and chronic depression in people.

“High stress is a big risk factor for the development of autoimmune conditions, where the immune system becomes confused and incorrectly starts to attack parts of the body”.

Dr Ooi says many patients present with stress-related symptoms and while it can feel like a very lonely experience, it’s actually very common.

She said: “There are some activities you might find can help alleviate how you are feeling, such as exercise which can build feel-good chemicals in the body.

“Another concern with ongoing stress is that people may be tempted to turn to vices such as smoking or increased alcohol. They are not the best way to manage stress.

“Talking about what you are going through can often be very helpful. It doesn’t have to be your family, it could be a medical professional, a friend, or there are some fantastic support groups or helplines available.”

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