You may have allergic contactdermatitis in your armpits


You may have allergic contactdermatitis in your armpits

You can have allergic contact skin dermatitis of the armpits from a variety of factors. Some of these factors include allergies in your family, being allergic to certain materials or chemicals in the environment. Cleveland Clinic). Armpit rash can be common for people who frequently shave their legs. MedicalNewsToday.

Common allergens in the armpits that could cause allergic contact dermatitis are antiperspirants and deodorants. Healthcare). According to a Study 2011. The journal Contact Dermatitis reported that 25% of the cosmetic product allergy cases associated with perfumes were due to deodorants. Healthline reports that certain people may be allergic to the other ingredients of these personal care products such as dyes or preservatives.

There are several steps you can take to avoid allergic contact dermatitis of the armpits.


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