Why you shouldn’t wear sandals or flip-flops on planes

An ex-flight attendant has shared his thoughts on why flip flops and sandals should not be worn during a flight.

Sandals are more comfortable than trainers for passengers on planes.

 Wearing flip flops or going barefoot is a no no in case of an emergency


In an emergency, flip-flops and barefoot are not recommended.Credit: Getty – Contributor

Tony Kuna, an ex-member of the cabin crew, said that it can cause problems if there’s an emergency on a flight.

He wrote on Quora: “During an emergency, all sorts of debris and unpleasant ground surfaces will block your way towards the exit, as well as outside the aircraft.”

“If your feet [aren’t]You’ll find it difficult to get to safety if you are properly covered.

This was also why you shouldn’t go barefoot.

Tony stated, “Imagine running down an aisle covered in broken glass and metal shards.

“Kind of like John McClane in Die Hard, but worse.”

Christine Negroni, who released a book on the world’s most mysterious air disasters, also agreed, saying to skip the sandals and flip flops for this reason, and opt for trainers or harder shoes on a flight.

She once said that “One of best things people can to do is put on their shoes for take-off or landing.” Many airlines do not require this and it is not something I would recommend.

“If you escape an aircraft, the floor could be very hot or cold, it might be covered in oil or on fire, or in a cornfield – you won’t want to be barefoot.”

In an emergency, bare feet pose a risk. However, it is also unsafe – Amanda Pleva, flight attendant, says so. Flyer Talk features an aviation columnAccording to a spokesperson, there are few things more off-putting than a person who takes a trip to the loo and doesn’t have shoes.

She stated: “When you get up to use the lavatory, wear shoes. A passenger I had begun talking to outside of work ended up on a flight with me again after we had stopped talking – he went into the lavatory with only socks on and left wet footprints through my galley afterwards.”

Also, you shouldn’t wear flip-flops at the airport. Here are some reasons.

The flight attendants also shared their reasons why you shouldn’t wear shorts on the plane and why leggings don’t work.

 Make sure your feet are covered with trainers or hard sole shoes


Wear trainers or shoes with a hard sole to protect your feetCredit to Alamy

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