Why You Get Sick After Traveling Abroad in the Heat – 2 Simple Tricks to Stay Healthy


Why Do You Always Feel Sick After a Hot Holiday and How to Avoid It


Do you find yourself feeling under the weather after a sunny vacation? Travel experts have disclosed the reasons behind this and provided tips on how to prevent it.

Exposure to Germs

Dr Laura Purdy from Swell Medical explains that it is common to catch a bug or a cold while traveling because of the close contact with infected individuals during flights and other modes of transportation. The lack of proper cleaning between passengers also increases the risk of getting sick.

Time Spent in Crowded Places

Dr Purdy also mentions that activities such as attending concerts and sporting events, where large groups of people gather, can elevate the chances of falling ill. These settings provide ample opportunities for germs to spread.

Disruption in Routine

According to Dr Jim Evans, a change in sleep patterns and dietary habits can make travelers more susceptible to colds and bugs. When transitioning from one environment to another, the body’s immune system may struggle to adapt, leaving it vulnerable to infections.

Symptoms and Allergies

Dr Evans highlights that the onset of symptoms from a cold or respiratory virus may be gradual, taking over a week to fully manifest. Sometimes, what feels like a cold could actually be allergy symptoms triggered by changes in the local environment.

Fatigue vs. Illness

Dr Purdy suggests that feeling unwell post-holiday might not always be due to an illness but could be a result of fatigue. The excessive physical activity and lack of rest while on vacation can lead to exhaustion upon returning home.

Preventive Measures

To minimize the risk of falling sick while traveling, experts recommend maintaining proper hand hygiene by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitizers. Avoiding crowded places and staying vigilant of people showing signs of illness can also help prevent infections.

Tips for Healthier Travel

If possible, travel during off-peak times to reduce exposure to crowds. When visiting popular attractions, opt for weekdays to avoid large crowds. If surrounded by a group of people, be mindful of those around you and maintain a safe distance from anyone displaying symptoms of illness.

Final Thoughts

Taking simple precautions like practicing good hygiene, avoiding crowds, and being aware of potential health risks can go a long way in ensuring a healthy and enjoyable vacation experience. Remember, staying healthy while traveling is key to making the most of your time away from home.

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