Why Americans Fall Short on Traveling – A British Perspective


Americans Aren’t “Well Traveled” – Brit Reveals Why

“Some things are so big, you just have to witness it for yourself.”

This could be a tagline for someone trying to eat the Vermonster for the first time or the type of film you’d probably watch by yourself with a pillow on your lap. But for English social media influencer, Josh (@imjoshfromengland2), it sums up his impression after visiting the United States of America for several months.

British Influencer Josh on Americans Not Being “Well Traveled”

In a recent Instagram clip, Josh fights back against the notion that Americans are not “well traveled,” stating that they very well are — just within their own country, which is absolutely ginormous compared to many European nations. In fact, the entire continent of Europe, which contains 44 separate countries, isn’t that much larger than the United States.

America: A Massive Country to Explore

Josh says that he hasn’t even “scratched the surface” of visiting everywhere in America, stating that each individual state is like its own country. Comparing a European’s ability to visit numerous countries to Americans flying to different states, Josh mentions that within 45 minutes, he can be in Amsterdam, Germany, or France from the United Kingdom.

Different States in America Are Like Different Worlds

“Brit in America here, and I now know why Americans aren’t well traveled. Trust me, they are ‘well traveled,’ but there’s a reason why. I’ve spent many months in America, actively trying to get to as many states as possible,” the British Influencer shares.

Why Americans Stay Within Their Own Country

He continues, “And I haven’t even scratched the surface. Americans don’t need to venture outside America because America is that big. Americans go on vacation in America. In the UK back home, it can take me 45 minutes to get to France, Germany, right, Amsterdam, these are whole different countries across water, 45 minutes.”

America: Each State Is a Mini Country

“I just don’t think Europeans are clued upon on how big America really is, like Americans don’t need to venture out. You’ll be surprised that a lot of Americans will not have passports; they don’t need them. Every single state in America is like its own country — literally like its own country,” Josh concludes.

The Benefits of Being Well Traveled

While globetrotters are common and there are benefits to being well traveled, Josh’s comments provide a fresh perspective on why Americans tend to explore within their country. It’s not about lack of curiosity; it’s about the vastness and diversity America offers within its borders.


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