Why Ali Landry and Mario Lopez’s marriage failed after just two weeks


Why Ali Landry and Mario Lopez's marriage failed after just two weeks

As we all know, maturation can be wonderful. This is especially true when it comes to finely aged wine and perfectly ripened cheese. Mario Lopez partially blamed his split with Ali Landry on Mario Lopez’s immaturity. And not the fun kind, where he poured salt in her coffee or kept placing whoopee cushions on her seats — instead it was the kind where you fail to control yourself at your bachelor party.

Howard Stern, speaking in 2011. (viaUs WeeklyThe “Dancing with the Stars”Landry was shocked when the runner up admitted lying about his bachelor party plans. “I said I was going to Cabo … to go marlin fishing. Then my cousin surprised me and said ‘No … we’re going on this whirlwind tour: Cabo, Acapulco, all these places.'”These exotic locations were where he found his inspiration. “messed around”Just days before his wedding, he was with another person. “Everybody was hanging out. That was a situation where I was not mature and man enough.”

So Lopez was at least partially correct. “man enough”Landry to “fess up” to before they tied their knot? It turns out, not exactly: “I figured at that point it was easier to ask for forgiveness (afterwards),”Stern was told by he. “It’s my bachelor party, we were going to have a good time. And we went, we had a good time.”The result was not a pleasant experience for everyone involved.


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